Childcare voucher 能用到孩子多大?
记得是幼儿园或者pre school能够用。假如上了小学中学还能用吗? 回帖 十六岁以前好像均可以,只是中学当前能用之处很少了,孩子也不去after school care和holiday care就很少无机会用了 回...英国华人论坛
记得是幼儿园或者pre school能够用。假如上了小学中学还能用吗? 回帖 十六岁以前好像均可以,只是中学当前能用之处很少了,孩子也不去after school care和holiday care就很少无机会用了 回...英国华人论坛
具体请见: 回帖 [b]楼主的帖子合乎【发帖赢大奖】流动的规范哦。 北京时间每周六中午会抽一次奖,收回Amazon 的...英国华人论坛
问问大家,childcare voucher都无能嘛,我知道的是能付幼儿园,小学after school club的钱,还无能嘛,我还好几千不知道干吗呢。谢谢 回帖 觉得像我老公发的帖子:cn01: 回帖 好几千。 你孩子...英国华人论坛
请问working parents,假期时你们都把孩子放到哪儿?一天的insert Day, half term 和 su妹妹er long holiday. 9 月我就要任务了,有子5岁和10岁, 夏日营都很贵,6个礼拜天天去也很累和闷吧, 大家...英国华人论坛
我知道能够用来上幼儿园,或者孩子上学了能够买校服。我孩子要上reception 了, 除了买uniform 还有别的用途吗? 假如在孩子假期傍边,能用在甚么中央呢? 我想给孩子报名学游泳啊,...英国华人论坛
新的scheme叫tax-free childcare voucher,一个孩子每一年至多能够买10,000(本人出8,000,政府出2,000),看起来关于大部份人来讲,是比现有的scheme划算了,尤为是有多个孩子的家庭,然而...英国华人论坛
查了一下请求前提,别的都合乎,只是这一条卡住了: If a non-EEA national, the parent must have recourse to public funds. 当初我是永居身份,老公已换英籍。我的卡上有写不克不及请求 public funds。...英国华人论坛
头几天终于去把30 hour free childcare请求了下,后果被稀里糊涂同时被sign up了tax-free childcare。。。要知道假如在用childcare voucher是不克不及请求tax-free childcare的,然而在请求30 hour free chil...英国华人论坛
有人遇到这个状况吗?我请求30个小时收费时间它也给了我 一个Tax free childcare account,我请求后间接拿到了十一位数字的code经过站内信的方式,由于以前说请求零碎很渣滓所以我把信息...英国华人论坛
比来曾经有帖子证明阿谁30个小时收费是public fund。有无人知道阿谁tax free childcare是否public fund?我是tier 2 的签证。 谢谢回答 回帖 不是public fund 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 应该是不行的,请...英国华人论坛
忽然发现账户里还剩了好多好多钱,但俩孩子都用不上了,有人知道怎么处置吗?亏大发了 回帖 好多好多钱是多少钱? 回帖 能够退的。我家当年买了太多,起初全数加工资里退给我了...英国华人论坛
我前几年孩子上Nursery存了些Childcare voucher,起初孩子上学了,始终没停教,偶然让他上su妹妹er camp。这两年疫情也没用,还有几千镑在Care-4,问雇主说退不了,说HMRC只允许在expectional...英国华人论坛
因为任务的原因,今晚突然收到邮件说一月里有一个礼拜六有新的任务工作,恰好那天家里人都有事,当初要找就一个周六天的Childcare, 也多是半天。原本想委托敌人,然而由于当初的...英国华人论坛
手里攒下的Childcare Vouchers,发现用不完,请问这个有方法转让吗? 回帖 找公司HR 回帖 就是找他们请求退吗? 回帖 是的,有些HR会帮你,而后交个税就能换成现金。有些HR会推脱说不克...英国华人论坛
有方案让娃上Busybees的同志吗?保举人有£500的幼儿月学费credit,被保举人有£150的high street voucher。我儿子当初上了四个月,觉得还不错。假如有同志恰好想上这个幼儿园的话, 他们有...英国华人论坛
Copyright (c) 2013 Liddle Kidz Foundation Infant and Children's Pediatric MassageIn two parent households, having both parents in the workforce is a normal occurrence and in most cases a necessity. With both parents outside the home, childre...英国华人论坛
As responsible parents, you want to make sure that your children are always in good hands, even when you are not at home watching their every move. The good news is that you have a few different options that you can choose from, depending on...英国华人论坛
Although you may not necessarily be searching for daycare services in a big city area, this article will still have good value for you. If you have children and are in need of securing the best childcare options available for your little one...英国华人论坛
Because you value the well-being of your kids, you will need to know that the childcare professionals you have hired are the absolute best. You will certainly want to do as much research as possible into the ones that are in your area. This...英国华人论坛
It happens all too often- a new educational theory convinces a school board or superintendent that students are more productive during certain hours of the day. There is a motion to move the school day up or back by a half hour to try to acc...英国华人论坛
Raising a family can quickly become quite difficult for any parent throughout various stages of the process. Many of the difficulties faced in this effort are based on the need to be assured that children are well looked after and cared for...英国华人论坛
"What did you get for Christmas?" This is one of the first questions that a child asks his friends when they return to school after the holidays. With this year's economy forcing parents to cut back, experts believe it is a good time to teac...英国华人论坛
If you are involved with a childcare centre and you are the one in charge with making the decisions regarding the childcare centre furniture that will be bought for the facility, then you need to do some thinking. In order to make the best d...英国华人论坛
大家好,又有问题上来请教。 我家双职工,都可以申请voucher,一个孩子,不会再要孩子了,父母每年可以过来帮忙几个月。孩子之前一直都在单位的nursery,有employee sacrifice,nursery f...英国华人论坛