知道配偶签证不克不及领Child benefit,那
本人快当妈了,配偶签证,老公英籍。打算休完产假全职带小孩几年。可是因为不让领Chlid Benefit,打算会写在老公名下。可是这几年的NI credits不就没有了吗? 离永居还有三年半时间,...英国华人论坛
本人快当妈了,配偶签证,老公英籍。打算休完产假全职带小孩几年。可是因为不让领Chlid Benefit,打算会写在老公名下。可是这几年的NI credits不就没有了吗? 离永居还有三年半时间,...英国华人论坛
作为一个1岁半孩子的妈妈在英国糊口将近5年,往年也30岁了,在英国期间始终是house wife形态,英语也很差…跟着孩子长大当初想学点一无所长,当前也能养家生活,不知道大家有无甚...英国华人论坛
想考NVQ Level 3 in Early Years Childcare,有小火伴考过,给点倡议,或者一同考吗? 回帖 这个和QTS差未几同样难考 英国条条框框太多了 回帖 加油!你假如是英国大学结业,应该不难。难的...英国华人论坛
明天收到一封HM Hign income child benefit charge 的信。 要求PAY 三年的CHARGE。缘故是我老公换了个任务,工资变高了。(但就是头三年)。 Our records indicate that you did not register to receive a self a...英国华人论坛
在电脑上添能够么? 此外,表格里问题19,你受任何移民管制么? (我当初是用居,这个应该是回答是仍是否呢?) 回帖 表格是跟bounty pack一同给的呀。。lz这问题答no吧。 回帖 打印...英国华人论坛
我想问下,我和我老公当初是投资移民签,假如当初请求了child benefit未来咱们请求PR时是不是会有影响? 宝宝刚刚2个月,还请高人指导下,谢谢!~~~ 回帖 压根就请求不到!你们的...英国华人论坛
想问问2岁摆布的小孩,去barcelona游览4天,酒店在海边,打算2天海边,2天城市景点人多。 假如不带推车,只用child carrier行么?由于景点,人得多,推车很费事。然而假如carrier太沉的话...英国华人论坛
孩子妈是PR,没有下班。孩子爸全职任务,但没有PR。请问这类状况能请求孩子的福利吗?假如能够,福利的英文具体全称是甚么,怎么样请求?十分感激任何相干信息! 回帖 假...英国华人论坛
大家知道当初的政策是,支出超过5万,就要退回部份或者整个的child benefits。请问这个必需本人去申报退回吗?仍是政府会写信追讨?刚发现上个财政年度支出超过5万了,而我没有申报...英国华人论坛
请问各位宝妈,我就一个娃,6个月大,从出世就买了child voucher,就买了一集体的,每个月两百多,就是想请问像我儿子这个年岁怎么花呀?除了幼儿园个别有哪些流动/中央是承受这个...英国华人论坛
问一下,阿谁CODE泛起在哪里啊, 7月份女儿幼儿园的群发信里催,我就请求了,而后过后网站技术问题过后认为没请求胜利,正好我休假就没再管, 这几天想起来了,又去请求,而后发...英国华人论坛
比来和接孩子的child minder 聊了聊,她女儿也是同一个学校,去年刚结业。他们班去年一个30集体的班只要3个考上文法学校,联想到退学时问到校长这个问题,校长彻底避而不谈,心里开...英国华人论坛
请问在哪里找到接纳的名单?用不完能够退吗? 老手求助。 回帖 个别学校和childminder都承受,你要本人问,没着名单。有的childcare voucher provider零碎能够经过邮编检索。 用不完不克不...英国华人论坛
我是 T2 dependent, 全职妈妈。我有资历请求child benefit吗? ≈%%%%%%%%%%%% 2013年英國稅制進行了一次变革,這個变革间接影響到高支出家庭,特別是在家全職照顧孩子的媽媽們,假如她們沒有...英国华人论坛
敌人问我对于child benefit 的问题,我也不是很分明,所以来坛里问问有教训的人。 1.child benefit 是否只给£50,000 支出下列的人? 假如支出超过, 是会住手payment 吗? 2. child benefit 要交税...英国华人论坛
给儿子请求child benefit,三天前收到信说曾经ok了.可是寄回来的只要确认信和信息更改表格.没有孩子的出世纸和HM出具的孩他妈的永居信.这都等了三天了仍是没有动静. 想问问各位,有无遇...英国华人论坛
请问拿任务签证的人能够请求这两个吗? 此外每一年的税收或者退税能够在哪里查到? 回帖 第一个问题no,第二个问题需求分割h m r c 回帖 回帖 you get nothing 回帖 回帖 4万在英国就算高...英国华人论坛
目前持中国护照Tier 2签证。刚生小孩。共事提示我说能够请求child benefits。但我的签证上写的是 No public funds。 请求表上确实有一项: You are subject to i妹妹igration control if: • the Home Offi...英国华人论坛
新的coalition government 勾销了得多的福利,好像只要这个还能够请求, 虽然每周只要 £20.30, 不外好于甚么都没有。想知道各位妈咪都有请求吗? 回帖 固然请求啦,为啥不请求!一个月...英国华人论坛
就是说有甚么能够请求的 何时请求,一会听这个一会听阿谁 搞胡涂了 想说总结一下 btw 阿谁每周牛奶费何时请求啊 ? 费事jm 给理一下眉目:cn09: 回帖 你是说child benefit吧???? 牛奶...英国华人论坛
我去年十一月底刚刚生下宝宝,起初看到病院给我的child benefit的表格,就请求了,固然是用老公(英籍)的名义请求的,由于以前看到好像有些妹妹说cb不影响签pr的。当初刚刚定了4月...英国华人论坛
据说过child trust fund, 大略是政府给的钱存在一个账户里,等孩子18岁能够用,然而详细怎么请求,有妈妈知道吗? 我的宝宝是英国国籍,往年1月出世的,还有这项福利吗?还能请求吗?...英国华人论坛
服务内容:如何申请英国儿童福利Child Benefit?服务地址:UK联系人:Mr Gu电话:07948 010206邮箱:[email protected]其他联系方式:Wechat:G1380901详情 英国儿童福利金可以在您的孩子出生或与...英国华人论坛
If you think you are freaked out about bed bugs, can you imagine how your child feels? He is probably overhearing conversations, not getting the entire story, and wondering what is going to happen next. It may not be easy but try to put your...英国华人论坛
If you are not exercising you are not helping your situation. Those who sit around a lot or who do not move around are more prone to hemorrhoids - so if you can at least try and be active for thirty minutes a day.Next up is diet. You need to...英国华人论坛
Making the life of your children the best one is every parents dream. They seek to find the most possible ways to enhance their childs future in every aspect with their strong determination and efforts. If you are a parent, you must be havin...英国华人论坛
You want your children to be happy in their new home. Even though you may be thrilled with what you already have, children can be finicky. This is especially true if the only room and home they knew before was the one they just left for your...英国华人论坛
Astrology will tell you that you can make your child ability as per your choice. You may not believe in astrology but it is one of the most sought after sciences in the world today. There are people who get interested in astrology for its be...英国华人论坛
There is nothing more terrifying for a parent than that little bundle of joy falling ill suddenly or suffering in some way. It is crucial for mothers, and even fathers, to be able to recognize what is a self-limiting distress and what could...英国华人论坛
All women have different structures of the female opening and get different shapes in different phases of life, and sometimes, the elasticity and structure changes during subsequent monthly cycles. Everyday lifestyle and foods can affect the...英国华人论坛
Child care is always a difficult decision for many parents. More often than not, it's probably the first time parents have allowed their little one out of their sight for such an extended period of time with people that they are not intimate...英国华人论坛
Convincing your child to go to your pediatric dentist in Chandler AZ can be difficult. Kids usually fear dentists and even doctors. But realizing that it's necessary to take him to the tooth doctor to have his teeth seen, you have to do ever...英国华人论坛
Children are often very nervous about visiting the dentist and because it is recommended that children begin visiting the dentist at such a young age, many parents are looking for a dental office in Woodbridge VA that offers a pediatric dent...英国华人论坛
Parents are the primary teachers of their children, and there is a fabulous mixed bag of Catholic children's books in the Catholic market today, to help them with this vital job. From Catholic children's Bibles and Bible stories, to Catholic...英国华人论坛
Getting any type of operation can be frightening; it doesn't matter how old you may be. However, things that tend to invoke fear often cause a much stronger reaction in young people. For a child, undergoing a procedure such as ear surgery ca...英国华人论坛
A dermatologist is a professional who specializes in the care of skin. While many people spend time in these professionals' offices when they need to manage acne or even later in life when they are dealing with aging, these pros can help chi...英国华人论坛
When little Tom or Anne start to teeter around straight for initially there are a few information that should display through your mind in order worth focusing on. Somewhere after "please don't drop, oh please don't fall" and "hmmm the 'out...英国华人论坛
Many individuals have many doubts related to this service for the kids. If the humans have any doubts and need clarification regarding any queries, they could take advantage of the Child Benefit number on the net telephone directory. This nu...英国华人论坛
GPS navigation watches and bracelets are some of the very best developments in technology. Monitoring companies can pinpoint the position of the individuals that wear these GPS navigation wireless systems. The peace of mind, satisfaction and...英国华人论坛
For those times when you need to track more than just your child. This GPS tracking device works for children, seniors and pets. A GPS watch is good for children but try putting a bright pink watch on an elderly man or dog. It just doesn't w...英国华人论坛
By definition, counselling is a kind of guidance which could be provided by a child psychologist that will help an individual resolve some issues related to their social adjustments or personal goals. Child counselling is the guidance of a c...英国华人论坛
Fever - what is it and how it happens.Before we get to the real meaty stuff, we need to understand how a fever works. The simplest way to understand this is to think of our body like a house and the fever control mechanism as a thermostat. W...英国华人论坛
You want your little one and even the not so little one to be robust. Ensuring it these days is easier said than done. Digestive strength tends to get undermined by eating habits which might be less than healthy. This has caused kids to suff...英国华人论坛
Tips For Playground And Outdoor Playground Equipment SafetyMake sure that you purchase great quality play gear. Before purchase, make sure that the equipment has a security image, most commonly known as the CE imprint.Make sure that the equi...英国华人论坛
The best gift you can give your child is the gift of fine health. Whether your kid is a healthy, bouncing baby or a sickly one, you can ensure that s/he grows up strong and radiates vitality. The truth of the old adage, Health is wealth, can...英国华人论坛
The thought of your child having to wear a hearing aid can be devastating to some parents. Yet, the goal is for your child to be able to understand what people are saying and the right device can help. Once you have the device for your child...英国华人论坛
How do you know that your child needs a hearing aid? Have you noticed that you are having a tough time communicating? Do you find yourself repeating yourself over and over again? These could be signs that your child is not able to hear when...英国华人论坛
Surviving cancer at a young age is a situation that isdifficult to overcome at a young age. An 11-year old girl, cancer survivor, washospitalized with a head injury and remains at the hospital for a completelydifferent reason than the purpos...英国华人论坛
Parents often make a mistake of bringing their children to a typical dentist instead of a Chandler pediatric dentist. They don't realize the value of getting the services of a tooth doctor specific to their kids demands. If you are one of...英国华人论坛