标签:Smoothie - 英国华人论坛



smoothie是一种用冻的瓜果或蔬菜打碎成像冰沙同样的饮品。盛行于欧美, 在日本也十分抢手。因富含酵素,是一种十分安康养分的减肥饮品, 深受爱漂亮女士的喜欢。 明天的这个配方...英国华人论坛


Drink A Smoothie And Fight The Fat

Adjusting your diet can be pretty difficult. A lot of people don't  seem to have the time to cook their food or they simply don't like most of the healthy foods. If you are one of these people, then here is a solution for you: Smoothies. Sm...英国华人论坛


Smoothie: Yogurt Basics

Yoghurt is rich in a lot of nutrients, including calcium, potassium, protein, and B vitamins. Bulgarians who eat a lot of yoghurt in their diet are said to live longer. There are a lot to gain from this wonder food. Let’s take a look at som...英国华人论坛



smoothie是一种用冻的水果或蔬菜打碎成像冰沙一样的饮品。流行于欧美, 在日本也非常热门。因富含酵素,是一种非常健康营养的减肥饮品, 深受爱美女士的喜爱。 今天的这个配方是...英国华人论坛



各种排毒、瘦身的Juice想必爱美的姑娘们都尝试过许多了,但是那些喊着“喝到胃寡”的宝宝们,你们干吗不自己动手做起来?想喝时候自己来一杯,自己嗨人生才更精彩哦! 菜单分享...英国华人论坛


The Health Benefits of a Smoothie

What are the best fruits to put in a smoothie if I want to get the most antioxidants in one serving?All fresh fruits are good options. Firstly, aim to consume at least two portions of fruit a day, but you can happily increase that to four.I...英国华人论坛


A Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

Chronic constipation can be hard to stop or elimination, since the colon have become weak. In most cases it will have to be retrained on how to have a bowel movement. For those of you that have mild constipation, here is a morning smoothie t...英国华人论坛


英国留学 关于Smoothie这些你知道吗

想去英国留学的同学肯定都想自己的留学生活能够更加丰富多彩,如果自己会做一种或几种饮料那就太棒了。 Smoothie在欧洲实在是太流行了,在哪都能看到它的影子,超市、果汁店、饼...英国华人论坛