英国华人论坛 英国大学经济与金融专业申请文书范文展示:P





Personal Statement


My aspiration for finance can be traced back to my teenage years, when my father was fascinated with stock market and I bought stocks together with him for fun. When he purchased a new one, I would ask him the bid price and expected ask price, and then brainstormed how much we may possibly get.

Earning money by investment after ups and downs was a fantastic experience for me, and I came to realize that there exist rules and principles deeply rooted in finance theories and statistics, which drove me to further explore the field.

Now, through three-year systematic studies in economics and finance, my interest and passion have been fully exploited and I made up my mind to pursue a career in the field of finance.

The more I know, the more I want to know. In order to do further study and build a successful future career, I plan to go for advanced study in the United Kingdom, where the most cutting-edged researches and practices of financial analysis are being carried out.

Luckily, I believe that I am in possession of essential qualities for undertaking both advanced training and career development in finance and economics, such as the good control of English and an always-stay-discrete attitude. I believe with those characteristics, I will surely survive through twists and turns in the world of finance.

My undergraduate studies in economics have provided me with good academic foundations. Through studying fundamental theories in economics (including Advanced Mathematics (95%), Intermediate Microeconomics (87%), Macroeconomics (80%), Monetary Banking (83%), Development Economics (89%) and Econometrics (87%) with the using of Eviews software, which enables me to establish basic mathematical models to solve problems), I have mastered a basic understanding and a clear picture of Western Economics, Risk Management & Insurance, Finance, Financial Engineering, etc.

Benefiting from my strength in mathematics and effective learning, I enjoyed an upward trend in the academic performance, preparing myself to be a capable student with diligent studying style.

Since junior year, I began to focus on securities and futures. Supervised by my financial professor named Qingyuan Zhang who taught me Monetary Banking, I researched the stock index futures in western financial markets and its performance. Based on the research, I completed an essay (to be published in National Financial Journal in Nov. 2012) where I listed the operations of stock index futures investment in western capital markets and put forward my ideas about stock index futures investment in Chinese mainland markets.

Thanks to the research, I have mastered the methodology on how to approach a problem in a logical and analytical manner. In January 2013, I have participated in Hongkong Management Trainee Plan. I had been engaged in communication and arrangement works with Harry Ho-Director of Aviva and Andy Mak-Chief Investment Strategist of Aviva, analyzing the result of GSEC Marketing Competition Simulation Contest of each group by using relative software, participating in the discussion on fund mix choice, supervising the implementation of public projects and assisting in auditing the project last-term report and grade.

Besides academic excellence, I also tried to enhance my social communicative skills and leadership. For three years, I worked at student union of my university, in charge of organizing various campus activities such as music festival, arts gala, and cultural salon. I nurtured interpersonal communication skills, leading my team to complete the activity-launching tasks within limited time. I believe these skills are necessary for supporting my success in both the academic and social life in a new environment.

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