英国华人论坛 PS范文展示:申请卡迪夫经济、银行与金融专业


Cardiff University(卡迪夫大学)

Cardiff University(卡迪夫大学)





Personal Statement

By xxx

My favourite song is Snail by Jay Chou. As the music goes, the little snail fights its way through jungles and thorns. Just like the snail, I may not be the brightest student, but I have always been especially proud of the dedication and fervor I possess for my study and work.

Under the earnest and tireless instruction from my parents, I was raised to be an independent girl. In junior middle school, I had been shipped off to a boarding-school, where I learned to take care of myself and get along well with people. Both of my parents are businesspeople, so I was exposed to the commercial world at a very early age.

Being engaged in various commercial activities, I had chance to meet with people from all walks of life. This amazing business circle holds great appeal to me. Tracking back from my high days when I chose my college entrance wills, I was utterly ruthless in my determination to write down finance as my solemn choice.

Learning finance gives me a world of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. The more I learn, the more fulfilled I feel. It is the quest for knowledge and the challenge of learning that motivates me to pursue a master degree in International Economics, Banking and Finance at the esteemed Cardiff University.

I have received rigorous training at United International College (UIC), a school that is jointly founded by Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University.

The undergraduate curriculum has allowed me to study in an English environment because all the courses are taught in English by elite professors all over the world. Meanwhile, the four-year study has equipped me with a systematic knowledge pool of finance, including Principles of Accounting, Information Technology, Applied Econometrics and Financial Management.

After four years of intense study, I understood that finance is the explanation of rational human behavior reflected in the financial markets. UIC strictly follows the evaluation method of Hong Kong Baptist University, that is to say, only 10% students can obtain A or A-.

However, because of my hard work, I still got an A on Principles of Accounting and Information Technology. Delving into the theoretical aspect of the financial world lays the corner stone of my intension to future study in finance.

Driven by my strong desire to immerse into a more international atmosphere, I attended a summer program at Hong Kong Baptist University to study the Human Love and Sex.

This one month broadens my horizon in this particular area, allowed me to view finance from a different perspective and inspired me to educate myself on an international scale.

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