Heriot-Watt University (赫瑞瓦特大学)
一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料The Annual Statistics publication (2006/07) is now available on the web. The statistics cover all areas of student numbers, degrees, progression and first destinations, staff numbers and profile, finance and financial performance, research, teaching and other activities.The Annual Statistics publication (2006/07) is now available on the web. The statistics cover all areas of student numbers, degrees, progression and first destinations, staff numbers and profile, finance and financial performance, research, teaching and other activities.They show that the University has a total population of 17,700 students, full-time, part-time and distance and supported learning around the world. Of these 10,700 are on international programmes, including the MBA programme and those studying through one of 53 Approved Learning Partners world-wide.
Of those studying in Scotland, almost 30% come from 110 countries outwith the UK, and France has now overtaken China as the top overseas country of origin, followed by China, the Irish republic, Germany and Greece.
The statistics also highlight a recent improvement in graduate destinations, those securing graduate-level jobs within six months of graduating.