Founded in the 19th century, until recently Bishop Grossteste specialised in teacher training. But this small college in Lincoln has developed both its courses and facilities. It now offers a portfolio of university degrees - including foundation degrees - in education, English literature, drama and heritage studies.
The oldest building on campus dates from the college's foundation in 1862 but in 2002 Bishop Grossteste opened a new teaching centre with a large lecture hall and big spaces for teaching as well as areas where students and staff can congregate more informally: both groups have welcomed the new centre which has also improved access to those with impaired mobility.
There is a dedicated students' union building and a student common room, and a new sports centre is due to open in September.
The college is offering non-repayable bursaries of £1,000 each year to all new students eligible to receive a full or partial higher education grant, and it guarantees accommodation to all first-year students who make Bishop Grosseteste their firm acceptance choice.
Lincoln itself was a major Roman town which eventually became a settlement for retired legionaries. By the late middle ages it was one of the more important towns in England. It retains the feeling of history but along with that goes a certain sedateness despite the partial presence here of Lincoln University as well.
Bishop Grossteste College, Newport, Lincoln LN1 3DY
Tel: 01522 527347