标签:Blacksmith - 英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Tools Overview

Blacksmithing is one of the few trades, if any; where theartisan can make the basic tools he requires using the very same blacksmithingprocess for which he will be using the tools. Indeed, for many years, ablacksmith had to either go to anot...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Power Hammer

The picture of a blacksmith most people have in their mindsis that of a big well muscled man standing in a shop with a raging furnace in acorner and using a huge hammer to shape a piece of red hot metal. Theprinciples of blacksmithing have n...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Forge Information

The forge is the heart of the blacksmith’s shop. It is inthe forge that the blacksmith heats metal until it reaches a temperature andbecomes malleable enough for him to use his other equipment to shape it. The traditional blacksmith’s for...英国华人论坛


Colonial Blacksmith Information

Although the US became independent of Britain in 1776, thecountry’s dependence on Britain and Europe for the goods needed to build thenew country remained. For many years all the mechanical equipment the countryneeded was imported. With the...英国华人论坛


If You Want to Succeed, Go to a Blacksmith!

Have you ever watched a blacksmith at work?You may be surprised to find out that the blacksmith offers one of the most precious lessons about success - a lesson that will help you achieve massive success.Look at the procedure for working wit...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Metal Art Overview

The blacksmith is one of the oldest professions known toman. When ancient man discovered how the shape and use metals, the nature ofcivilization was changed forever. And the person at the center of this changewas the blacksmith. In America,...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Working Material

The term blacksmith has an interesting origin.  The “smith” part of it comes from the oldEnglish word “smite” which means to hit. So a “smith” is someone whose workinvolves hitting and pounding to produce a finished product.  Dependi...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith History

The first formed and shaped pieces of metal discovered atarcheological digs dates back almost 5000 years. Early man lived by hunting andeating wild crops. The hunting was done using rocks, wooden clubs, large bonesand sharpened wooden poles....英国华人论坛


Blacksmith General Overview

Archeological finds show that the art of blacksmithing hasbeen known to mankind for around 6000 years, making it one of the oldestprofessions known to man.  The discovery of metal was the beginning of a major step inthe evolution of the hum...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Anvil Information

The first anvils were the large, heavy and hard stones thatcavemen used a work benches. A piece of bone of flint would be placed atop thisstone and a smaller stone held in the hand would be used to chip away at thebone or flint to create a s...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Shop Information

Blacksmith shops are among the world’s first factories. Itwas in the first blacksmith’s shops that industrial production began.Blacksmithing is really more of a re manufacturing process since the initialmanufacturing is the production of t...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Hammer Information

At some point in their lives everyone has used a hammer. Andif not a hammer, something hard has been used to hit some thing softer toflatten it out or change its shape. In its most basic form, that is what ablacksmith does with this hammer. ...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Books Information

“Under the spreading chestnut tree, The village smittystands….” Although not a book, Longfellow’s famous poem captures the image andspirit of the blacksmith. The way he works and the quality of his products haschanged immensely since the...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Supplies Information

It is a common misconception that a blacksmith relies on hismuscles, a forge and a hammer to create his products. The modern blacksmith isa high tech artisan who uses a variety of sophisticated and complex tools andequipment to produce intri...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Plans Information

To be able to produce a finished work that is either to acommission specifications or which a sellable, the blacksmith needs to be morethan just an expert metal worker. Of course his skills are important in thequality and value of the finish...英国华人论坛


Blacksmith Projects Information

What constitutes a blacksmith project? The answer is thatjust about everything a blacksmith makes is a “project.” A hobbyist or amateur blacksmith’s project can consist ofanything from making simple nails to small tools for use in the ho...英国华人论坛


Medieval Blacksmith Information

Medieval Blacksmiths has as much influence on shaping theage they lived in as they did on the metals they worked on. Medieval Europe wasthe time of the first great advancements in science and technology and newpractices in farming, fabricati...英国华人论坛


Information on Blacksmith Classes

With blacksmithing returning to popularity both as a tradeand a hobby, a vast variety of classes and courses are now available to teachthe would be blacksmith both the basics of the art as well as the finer moreadvanced aspects. Classes are...英国华人论坛


Information on Blacksmith Forge Plans

The efficiency of a forge shop is, to a large extent,dictated by how well it is laid out. The movement of heavy metal, handlingheated ingots, hammering and quenching are all heavy work, even with the latestequipment. A well laid out blacksmi...英国华人论坛


Artist Blacksmith Association of America Informatio

ABANA is America’s umbrella organization of artistblacksmiths and has affiliate organizations in all part of America as well asassociations with similar organization in other parts of the world. ABANA is anon profit organization managed by...英国华人论坛


Farrier Blacksmith Information

A farrier blacksmith is one who works exclusively on horse.His work involved the fabrication horse shoes and fitting them to the hooves ofhorse. Besides the blacksmith art, he is required to have a detailedunderstanding of equine hoof care a...英国华人论坛


Artists Blacksmith Information

Any discussion about famous artists, blacksmith orotherwise, is bound to generate controversy. Art is the emotional equivalent ofthought where the artist uses his medium to convey not just an image, idea orconcept but also a feeling seen fro...英国华人论坛