自己2002年来英国,2002-2008拿的都是先生签,2008到当初拿的是2+3的HSMP(tire 1),签证到13年的4月到期。 实践上讲到往年8月就满十年了,然而20十一年5月的时分公司派我到加拿大的分公...英国华人论坛
自己2002年来英国,2002-2008拿的都是先生签,2008到当初拿的是2+3的HSMP(tire 1),签证到13年的4月到期。 实践上讲到往年8月就满十年了,然而20十一年5月的时分公司派我到加拿大的分公...英国华人论坛
我2002年来英国,读了6年书,2008年底结婚和任务,拿的是work permit, 我老婆的dependent visa,始终在英国, 然而为了提前拿到pr,我在20十二年请求10年永居,2013年4月17号拿到了。我打电话问...英国华人论坛
Having reached limiting 6500 rpm, the motor begin to pull in a stranglehold of the arrester of turns. Has not understood?! Also it is all? And where well-known Honda "grab" in a zone of average turns? Where mad rotation under 8000 rpm?For th...英国华人论坛
Nothing can approximate the loss and sense of grief that we feel for the victims of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon Tragedies. However, the economic aftermath is just beginning to take shape and it is ugly. Now, the most patriotic th...英国华人论坛
Incorporate the ideas below into your 2002 PR strategy. Declare yourself an expert. Back it up with your knowledge.1.) Secure Six National Magazine Writeups National magazines are created months in advance. Submit your press releases to them...英国华人论坛
1. Sometimes, the number 1 is the biggest number there is.Eleven countries in the 2002 Winter Olympics were represented by a "team" of just one athlete. To these athletes, from countries like Cameroon, India, and South Africa, the glory was...英国华人论坛
The fashion trends for winter 2002 and summer 2003 are varied: glamorous, classic, antique, or Egyptian, Latin American or Wild West inspired. A feminine 50's-inspired silhouette for suits and dresses; lingerie-inspired pieces, with touch...英国华人论坛
第一次发表100%原创 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 我觉得签名反而影响美感呢,拍得还是不错滴~:cn13: 回帖 nice 回帖 楼主去过的地方都很美{:5_141:} 回帖 [b]楼主的帖子符合【发帖赢大奖】活动的...英国华人论坛
As of May 13, 2002 the website http://bodybymary.netfirms.com was put up with the sole purpose of letting people know how easy, plain, and simple it is to have great health a nicer body without additional cost.It actually costs you a lot mor...英国华人论坛
Who wants to face the challenges of Business Recovery 2002 without this kind of firepower? Especially when getting your piece of the expected economic recovery this year will almost certainly depend upon how well you modify the behaviors of...英国华人论坛
Raising Capital in 2002's New Economy" We've helped a number of clients develop business plans and raise capital from "angel" investors, corporate entities and venture capitalists during the last 6-8 years. It's always a daunting process tha...英国华人论坛
In 2002, 8.5 percent of the US civilian noninstitutionalized population had purchased at least one prescription Antidepressant. The currently available classes of Antidepressants include monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), tricyclic Antide...英国华人论坛
21号退学1000,小boy手下侥幸过 南京大学小百合 qnju Jun 22 08:01:43 2002 终于签过了,前前后后两年多的努力总算有了个结果! 我是20号下午到的,就临时住在704,讨厌的是雨下的很大,心情很不爽...英国华人论坛
2002年来英国,上学,毕业,打工,来伦敦,找工作,到现在,也4年多了,这期间也算是积累了点个人经验!希望和你们大家分享。 第一,说上学:我想还在申请中的经常来们应该经验不...英国华人论坛