英国华人论坛 个人陈述


中英网原创 我叫罗馨,准备申请的是悉尼大学的经济贸易专业。






  Personal Statement

  I am the applicant Luo Xin, born on February 15, 1982. Driven by infinite knowledge, I set my mind on pursuing overseas studies. Hence I put in for XXX offered by XXX.

  From September 2000 to July 2004, I worked for the undergraduate program of English at University of International Business and Economics. September 2004 witnessed my smooth accomplishing the undergraduate program and obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree of Art. During my stay at university, studying in an assiduous and serious manner, I maintained excellent academic records, on account of which, I won The Second Scholarship in the second term of 2000-2001 (the first academic year) and in the first term of 2001-2002 (the second academic year) as well as the title of Excellent Student of our university. During undergraduate years, I acquired The First Scholarship in the second term of 2003-2004. Besides, my outstanding results in such key specialized courses as Principles of Accounting, International Finance, Practice of International Trade and so on gained me commendation from the professors. On top of endeavoring to study specialized courses, I also gave weight to the cultivation of my qualities in all aspects. I joined in on-campus associations of kinds with high enthusiasm. Once I held the posts of League Branch Secretary, Vice Secretary of Literary Department and the like, cultivating and forging my organizational aptitude and leadership, strengthening my awareness of teamwork and forming the principles of being strict with myself and high sense of responsibility. During summer and winter holidays, I took an active part in social practices like acting as a tutor, a part-time investigator and so on, through which, I accumulated a great deal of social experience. Then with marvelous result in graduation thesis, I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree of Art.

  In April 2005, I started to work for Shanghai Gaodeng Trade Co., Ltd., which specializes in porcelaneous products. I assume the post of Commercial Assistant, taking charge of expanding the market of our products, establishing trade relations with clients, communicating with clients so as to sign trade contracts, carrying out documents, answering questions about aftersale technological problems, taking part in English translation of company materials (such as product instruction), etc. Over two years of work, not only did I improve my English speaking and translating, but also I made great enhancement in communicating and coordinating with others. In the contacts with foreign clients, I have learned how to make analysis on clients’ psychological demands so as to better finish the negotiation and sign a contract and so on. At work, clearer about my career development orientation and target and fully conscious of my insufficiency in current acquisition, I draw a conclusion that I should enrich and perfect myself if I want to maker further development in my career. Thereby I make a choice of undertaking further studie


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