Bangor University(威尔士班戈大学)
一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Members of the public are invited to the first in a series of Public Lectures from the Wales Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience (WICN). The lectures are being hosted by the School of Psychology at Bangor University, one of the UK's leading Psychology departments. The lectures will give the public an opportunity to explore today's themes and issues in the exciting field of Cognitive Neuroscience and will feature the latest research being undertaken by the University's Psychology researchers and lecturers.'The Braintrix'
4th October 2007, starts 7pm , Main Arts Lecture Theatre
Members of the public are invited to the first in a series of Public Lectures from the Wales Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience (WICN). The lectures are being hosted by the School of Psychology at Bangor University, one of the UK's leading Psychology departments. The lectures will give the public an opportunity to explore today's themes and issues in the exciting field of Cognitive Neuroscience and will feature the latest research being undertaken by the University's Psychology researchers and lecturers.
In 4th October's inaugural lecture, Dr Guillaume Thierry will explore the idea that what we take for "reality" is nothing other than an illusion created by our brain (the braintrix). Dr Thierry will show how the world is a creation of our minds that can be deceived and distorted. He will end by discussing the immediate philosophical and real-life consequences of this intriguing scientific fact.
The area of Cognitive Neuroscience has emerged in the past decade as one of the most significant areas of contemporary science and is beginning to change the understanding of normal and damaged brain function, as well as providing information to aide in the treatment of brain impairments (e.g. head injury, stroke, dementia, schizophrenia). Created through the interactions of cognitive science, neuroimaging, and clinical neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience is now the dominant approach in the best psychology departments and neuroscience institutes in both North America and the UK. This is the reason for the creation of the Wales Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience.
The Welsh Assembly Government awarded the Universities of Bangor, Cardiff and Swansea £5.17 million over four years to establish the multi-centre Wales Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (WICN), with the goal of bringing together and building on the three Universities' high quality academic environments to support the development of a world-leading Institute for the study and application of cognitive and clinical neuroscience. WAG's investment in this Institute will create a research environment in cognitive neuroscience that is unique to Wales.
For more information on this lecture series you can contact the WICN office on 01248 383775. You can also find more information on the following websites:
Wales Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (WICN) www.wicn.ac.uk
Bangor University School of Psychology www.psychology.bangor.ac.uk
News and public events at Bangor University www.bangor.ac.uk/new