英国华人论坛 TVU to host construction Skillbuild competition!


University of West London(西伦敦大学)

University of West London(西伦敦大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Thames Valley University will be holding the Construction Skill Build Southern regional competition on Friday 11th May 2007 from 9am to 6pm.Thames Valley University will be holding the Construction Skill Build Southern regional competition on Friday 11th May 2007 from 9am to 6pm.

Founded in 1981, Skillbuild is a national competition promoting excellence amongst young craftspeople in the UK. Each year trainees are invited from colleges of further education and independent training centres throughout the United Kingdom, initially to take part in a series of regional competitions.

A number of schools will also attend the event to watch the competitors in action from viewing galleries. They will also be able to get hands on experience at a 'have a go' section, which will include tile work, plastering, brickwork and much more. Ann Osler, Head of the Faculty of Technology at TVU, is delighted to be hosting this years competition and said, 'The experience and results of all the competitors provide valuable feedback to the individuals, their trades, skills, training organisations and industry. For visitors to the competitions it is a wonderful and revealing experience to see highly competent young trades people in action.'

Regional competitions are designed to identify the best regional competitor to take part in the national competition. In true competition spirit, competitors will only see the test piece minutes before they start the five-hour project. Around 60 students representing colleges from across the region will attend the competition at TVU, including, Guildford, Oxford, Sussex, London, Hastings. They will compete in the six categories, which are Painting and Decorating, Brickwork, Carpentry, Plastering, Joinery and Furniture Making, Wall and Floor Tiling.

The eventual winner will go on to represent the region in the national final competition, which takes place from 10-12th October 2007 at South Birmingham College where around 70,000 will visit the event over three days of competition. The national competition identifies the best young trainee in the United Kingdom within each trade discipline. Ultimately, in some skill categories competitors go forward to represent the United Kingdom to the World Skills Competition (Skill Olympics). The World Skills Competition is held every two years in one of the 35 World Skills member countries. This years World Skills will take place in Japan from 14-21 November 2007.

The competition is organised by SKILLBUILD Competitions Limited, a non-profit making construction skills and training promoter, with an independent steering committee drawn from all sectors of the industry. The competition is endorsed by, 'Construction Skills', 'Department for Education and Skills' and 'UK Skills'. The major commercial sponsors include British Gypsum, Crown Trade, Hanson Building Products, Irwin Industrial Tools and Stabila.

Thames Valley University deliver full and part-time courses in a variety of construction trades. For further information about construction courses at TVU call 0800 371 434. To find out further information about the skillbuild competition log on to www.skillbuild.org.


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