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Swansea University(斯旺西大学)

Swansea University(斯旺西大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料The Economics Network of the Higher Education Academy promotes high quality learning and teaching and celebrates good practices within the Higher Education economics community. The annual awards are open to UK-based academics who have demonstrated excellent commitment, enthusiasm and effectiveness in their teaching.

The Economics Network of the Higher Education Academy promotes high quality learning and teaching and celebrates good practices within the Higher Education economics community. The annual awards are open to UK-based academics who have demonstrated excellent commitment, enthusiasm and effectiveness in their teaching.

The Network presents three awards and this year Swansea lecturers picked up wins in two of the three categories, as well as a commendation.

Dr Duncan Watson (pictured left) won the Student Nominated Award, which provides an opportunity for students to recognise teaching staff who inspire and encourage an interest in economics and whose enthusiasm for the subject is highly evident. Fellow lecturer Dr Osman Ouattara was also awarded a commendation in this category.

Dr Watson said: "Winning this award is a great honour, particularly as it is student nominated. It has inspired me to continue to tackle thought provoking issues and employ more innovative methods."

“Teaching quality and research expertise go hand in hand. Our success in the latter has ensured that we have continually improved the content of our programmes, and we’re invested heavily to ensure that the student experience is maintained."


Dr Ouattara (pictured right) said: “This recognition by the students is a great honour for me. It demonstrates that they appreciate our commitment and enthusiasm in providing them with high quality teaching.”

Dr Paul Latreille was joint winner of the eLearning Award, which is given in recognition of innovative good practice in the use of eLearning to enhance economics teaching and to provide a stimulating and effective learning experience for economics students.


Dr Latreille (pictured left) said: “It’s really an incredible accolade for me, for the School and for the University to have received such a prestigious, national teaching award, especially since the nomination was made by my students; that they value what you’re doing to the extent of making the effort to nominate you is obviously extremely flattering. My award in the eLearning category also owes much to the efforts of the support team in Library and Information Services here in Swansea.”

“It is unprecedented for any university to win two of the three categories as well as a commendation in a single year, which speaks volumes about the commitment to economics teaching here in Swansea.”

Professor Blackaby, Deputy Head of the School of Business and Economics, said: “Our congratulations go to Drs Latreille, Watson and Ouattara for their outstanding achievements this year.”

“We have now had winners or commendations in all three categories, as Dr Latreille and Dr Steven Cook were awarded commendations in the Outstanding Teaching category in 2003 and 2005 respectively. This means that Swansea has had five awards in the six years since the competition began.”

“Looking at the list of past winners, I can't see any other university getting close to this level of achievement. Given that there are almost 100 institutions offering schemes involving economics in the UK, It is a superb endorsement of the quality of our teaching.”


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