英国华人论坛 研究发现鲜花可以治疗坏脾气


Plymouth University(普利茅斯大学)

Plymouth University(普利茅斯大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Flower essence remedies have a significant effect on reducing temper tantrums among children, a study at the University of Plymouth has revealed.

Flower essence remedies have a significant effect on reducing temper tantrums among children, a study at the University of Plymouth has revealed.

Researchers found that 73% of parents of children with moderate to severe temper tantrums experienced some benefit after giving them the Bach Flower essence remedy.

Parents reported 42% fewer tantrums and the study also found that when a child did have a tantrum, use of the remedy resulted in a reduction in other symptoms commonly associated with such an episode.

There was 30% less screaming, 24% less whining, 35% less kicking and hitting, 21% less crying and breath holding fell by 14%.

Michael Hyland, Professor of Health Psychology, who led the research, said these early findings were very encouraging and prove that most parents with children prone to tantrums could see benefits from using the remedies.

“We have been researching the benefits of these remedies for a number of years now and have already proved its effectiveness for adults,” said Professor Hyland.

“These findings suggest that they are equally of benefit to young children in tackling what can be a very distressing and extremely stressful condition for parents.”

Professor Hyland and postgraduate research student Ben Whalley have been monitoring 38 children aged between two and five. The children have been taking a remedy in tiny pill form consisting of the essence of alder, magnolia, sweet chestnut and orange light, a new formulation specifically designed for youngsters with tantrums. The tablets are taken twice each day and also throughout the day, as and when parents feel it is required.

Bach flower essences are increasingly popular as a remedy for common ailments, including depression, anxiety, and fatigue, but now it would appear that it has a very positive effect on tantrums.

Ben Whalley said: “We are seeing a significant improvement in a large number of the children tested, particularly in terms of screaming and kicking and hitting which has been greatly reduced in percentage terms.

“We have also found that children are much calmer in general since they started taking the remedy.”

Serious temper tantrums affect up to 25% of children, and can make life extremely difficult for parents. Warning signs for serious tantrums include kicking and hitting, breath holding and children lying down on the floor, as well as the more common screaming and crying.

These tantrums tend to last for longer than five minutes, but in the worst cases can go on as long as an hour.

Another study on Bach Flower essences just published in the journal Psychosomatic Research found that about 50% of the population reported some benefit and that the mechanism was likely to be more complex than previously thought.

Professor Hyland said “The response to flower essences seems to be due to several mechanisms that are working in parallel. It isn’t only a placebo in the sense of an effect due to expectancy, though expectancy is involved.

It also seems to be the case that if flower essences ‘feel right’, they are more likely to produce benefit.”

To sign up for the trial, visit http://www.holistichealthresearch.org.ukand follow the links.


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