英国华人论坛 莱切斯特大学呼吁:要娱乐也要环保


University of Leicester(莱斯特大学)

University of Leicester(莱斯特大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料A festival of environmentally-friendly activities at the University of Leicester will see a solar-powered cinema brought onto campus.

A festival of environmentally-friendly activities at the University of Leicester will see a solar-powered cinema brought onto campus.

On Wednesday October 17th, the University of Leicester will play host to the environmentally-friendly venture , ‘Projector Tank’. The green mobile cinema, showing a range of short environmentally-themed films, will be one of the highlights of the University’s Big Green Week which takes place from the 15th to the 19th of October. Film viewings will be free to staff and students who can also view the inner-workings of the cinema itself.

“The Projector Tank is a not-for-profit, independently powered, community mobile cinema” say its creators Felix, Beth, Sylvie and John. The cinema’s inception is a combination of ‘alternative film distribution' and 'renewable energy practice and education'.

Built in 2005, the cinema is mounted to an old ambulance that runs on biodiesel fuel (produced from various vegetable oils) and consists of a digital projector, digital mixer, 1KW sound system, VHS, DVD and laptop sources, as well as a collapsible screen and an all weather awning that can accommodate up to thirty people. It is powered by solar panels charging a large battery bank and fully charged it can show films for up to eight hours.

Even if the sun does not shine down on the Environment Team's, Big Green Week, the solar-powered cinema’s running capacity cannot be dimmed and neither can the enthusiasm of the organisers of what will be the biggest environmental festival in the University's history. Environmental Manager, Dr. Emma Fieldhouse says, "the Big Green Week has been arranged so our staff and students know we have arrived and mean business with regards to improving the University's environmental track record!"

The Big Green Week - organised by the Environment Team - is taking place from Monday 15th October to Friday 19th October, with a multitude of awareness-raising activities, exhibitions, stalls and workshops taking place in and around the campus.

There will be a different environmental theme for each day of the week :

Transport and Travel Day includes an Alternative Transport Fair, an en masse bike ride to the University's Botanical Gardens, bike fancy dress competition and alternative transport race;

Food Day sees an ethical, organic and locally sourced Farmer's Market arrive on Campus as well as healthy eating workshops and an ethical baking competition;

Waste and Recycling Day will host a Recycled Art Exhibition and Fashion Show of ethical and reused clothes with some even made from waste materials.

A final highlight for the Big Green Week (Friday 19th October at 1pm) will be a mysterious 'Big Green Stunt', where people are invited to congregate in the park adjacent to the campus and send a green message to the rest of the world…

The aim of the Big Green Week is to engage staff and students at the University of Leicester and raise awareness of environmental issues on the campus and the planet as a whole. As well as launching the University’s new Environment Team and their growing projects, the event will demonstrate to all involved how to make their lifestyles greener, their carbon footprint smaller and their environmental consciences clearer.


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