
Goldsmiths, University of London(金史密斯学院)
一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Goldsmiths, University of London has a number of places available on a wide range of postgraduate Masters courses to begin this September. Course subjects range from applied drama, to digital media, ethical enterprise and business to cognitive and clinical neuroscience through to postcolonial studies, and the degrees can be undertaken full or part-time.Goldsmiths, University of London has a number of places available on a wide range of postgraduate Masters courses to begin this September. Course subjects range from applied drama, to digital media, ethical enterprise and business to cognitive and clinical neuroscience through to postcolonial studies, and the degrees can be undertaken full or part-time.Postgraduate study can not only be an enjoyable experience, but also provides an excellent opportunity to improve career prospects and life skills whilst developing a better understanding of a chosen subject. Students and academics at Goldsmiths are encouraged to collaborate across traditional disciplines and subject boundaries, facilitating an exciting buzz of creative and cutting-edge partnership throughout the postgraduate community. Studying at Goldsmiths allows the space, time and dialogue to think differently, to experiment, and to develop.
Art Psychotherapist, Liz Donithorn, believes that studying for a Masters in Research in Art Psychotherapy at Goldsmiths has enhanced her performance at work. 揗y work with people who have severe learning disabilities and challenging behaviour was very draining and often left me wondering how other art therapists did this work. This prompted me to apply to do the Masters in Research, which enabled me to build on the skills I had developed as a therapist, and learn how to conduct research projects, literature searches and write about my work. I feel the course has enhanced my knowledge considerably.?Liz is now working towards obtaining a PhD, building on the knowledge and confidence gained through her Masters.
School teacher, Celia Tummings, found support and encouragement through her Masters programme in Culture, Language and Identity. 揗any of us live and work in London and have a real sense of the issues that face all of us. I have found studying at Goldsmiths a real confidence boost, especially since as a mature student I felt out of touch with the demands of academic writing and the discipline of meeting deadlines.
Studying a Masters degree can be a rewarding way of pursuing personal interests, developing skills and improving career prospects, and Goldsmiths, with its vibrant South East London location and creative, empowering approach, is an exciting place to study. Peter Spring, who undertook an MA in Design Futures and is now completing his PhD in Design, says of the University, 揋oldsmiths is a warm, and friendly, and highly creative environment. It offers a safe haven, perfect for anyone who seeks to openly question and test ideas, assumptions and creative practices