
(2006.12.06)(16:21:15)*aib says to ALL: Hello everyone, I am in!
(2006.12.06)(16:23:52)*aib says to karen: What type of Masters degree do you want to undertake?
(2006.12.06)(16:25:13)*aib says to Brenda: We do not offer language courses but Bournemouth is a major area in the UK for language schools, I would suggest that you look for an accredited school - the RALSA website would be a good start. www.ralsa.com
(2006.12.06)(16:25:51)Brenda says to *aib: thank you !i will go to have a look
(2006.12.06)(16:25:56)*aib says to Brenda: What type of masters degree do you want to study?
(2006.12.06)(16:26:07)Brenda says to *aib: MBA
(2006.12.06)(16:27:07)*aib says to Brenda: OK, We do not offer this but many large Universities do. I would suggest that you research this on the British Council website
(2006.12.06)(16:27:41)Brenda says to *aib: My major is Law in my college school, but I know this major in your country mush have high lever of English
(2006.12.06)(16:28:30)karen says to *aib: the electronic engineering
(2006.12.06)(16:28:50)Brenda says to *aib: so ,i want to improve my English first ,thank you for your suggestion .
(2006.12.06)(16:28:51)*aib says to Brenda: Best to study English at a language school - many have pre-masters language courses
(2006.12.06)(16:29:41)Brenda says to *aib: what's the pre -masters language courses ?
(2006.12.06)(16:29:47)*aib says to karen: Hi Karen we do not have electronic engineering as we are a specialist art, deign and media institution.
(2006.12.06)(16:30:13)karen says to *aib: sorry,I made a mistake.
(2006.12.06)(16:30:29)*aib says to Brenda: These are language course specifically for students who want to study at masters level
(2006.12.06)(16:30:54)Brenda says to *aib: oh ,i see
(2006.12.06)(16:31:04)*aib says to karen: No problem I wish you luck in finding a suitable course
(2006.12.06)(16:34:21)*aib says to ALL: Does anyone want to study art, design or media and want some advice?
(2006.12.06)(16:34:40)karen says to *aib: Since you know better of the condition of education in Britain.I wonder if the Chinese students are really able to acquire something else but English ability while studying abroad.Thanks for your replying.
(2006.12.06)(16:36:40)*aib says to karen: Hi Karen, many of our Chinese students say that the benefit that they gain is more creative thinking. Many have a high level of technical skills but want more creativity. We offer a very different learning and teaching style here in the UK
(2006.12.06)(16:46:21)*aib says to ALL: Hi, It is Dan here, if anybody has questions regarding our courses or study life in England, please fee free to write to me in Chinese or English, thank you.
(2006.12.06)(16:49:57)keke says to *aib: my child, 11 years old. Is it too young to study in uk? If I want to send my child to uk, how can i do that?
(2006.12.06)(16:53:05)*aib says to keke: Yes, it will be too young to study in college of course, but it is possible to study in schools with the help of guardian agents.
(2006.12.06)(16:53:08)karen says to *aib: Hi Dan,a little offensive question,why do you start your conversation with "hi karen",which is unconfortable to me in manners in Chinese. And I do agree with you about the creative thinking.May I ask the lasting question?Can you explain the most attractive point that could persuade me from chosing a Chinese university to enroll in your university?Thanks.
(2006.12.06)(16:54:13)keke says to *aib: my friend tell me, there is some way to send child to study in UK, free of charge. I want to know how
(2006.12.06)(16:58:15)*aib says to keke: I am not sure about the charges, but the website you may check is www.whg.eu.com, which is called whitehouse guardianship
(2006.12.06)(16:58:51)keke says to *aib: thank
(2006.12.06)(16:59:13)*aib says to karen: the person wrote to you early is the head of our international Development, who is a English person.
(2006.12.06)(17:00:14)*aib says to karen: Please do not be offensive, I have passed on your message to her.
(2006.12.06)(17:02:55)*aib says to karen: Study in England or in China is a personal decision, you gain a lot of experience and fresh ideas from cultureal and educational point of view
(2006.12.06)(17:16:16)*aib says to ALL: Dear all, would like to remind you our website address www.aib.ac.ukwhere you can check all of our courses and entry requirements,please have a look at it in your own time, if you have any questions please contact me at [email protected], I will be more than happy to keep contact with you.
(2006.12.06)(17:28:25)*aib says to ALL: Dear all, the time is runing out, please ask questions or e-mail me in the future, keep in touch! Also you may check our website www.aid.ac.uk(in English) or http://ve.educationuk.cn/aib (in Chinese)
(2006.12.06)(17:30:34)*aib says to ALL: Nice to talk with you all, it has been rather quilt today and hopefully tomorrow will be more active, have a good afternoon, thanks!