
(2006.12.06)(16:30:51)*dmu says to ALL: Hello everyone, I am in!
(2006.12.06)(16:32:11)*dmu says to ALL: Hello, anyone has enquiries for studyding at De Montfort University?
(2006.12.06)(16:36:00)*dmu says to mike: hi mike, what level of media course you're interested?
(2006.12.06)(16:36:41)mike says to *dmu: master
(2006.12.06)(16:38:09)*dmu says to mike: u're interested in taught master or more research focused?
(2006.12.06)(16:38:49)mike says to *dmu: what's difference/
(2006.12.06)(16:38:58)*dmu says to *bengx2: have u heard of Leicester Business School
(2006.12.06)(16:40:04)*bengx2 says to *dmu: never
(2006.12.06)(16:40:45)*dmu says to mike: we have the MA Independant study in media, you normally need to choose a area to focus reseach on, and we will have a supervisor to guide your study;
(2006.12.06)(16:41:06)mike says to *dmu: what's the qualification for research course?
(2006.12.06)(16:42:22)*dmu says to *bengx2: if you want, you can have a look here, it's a good business school that might have the course you're interested; http://www.dmu.ac.uk/faculties/business_and_law/business/index.jsp
(2006.12.06)(16:42:47)*bengx2 says to *dmu: thank a lot, i will take a look
(2006.12.06)(16:44:26)*dmu says to mike: it's a master degree, MA means master of Art, the same as a taught master, just it's more independant study that you might not need to attend too many lectures but you should be experienced at the study subject you choose. here is more details http://www.dmu.ac.uk/faculties/humanities/pg/is/ISMedia.jsp
(2006.12.06)(16:45:14)*dmu says to *bengx2: if you need more details, i can send to your email address. have u got one?
(2006.12.06)(16:46:45)*bengx2 says to *dmu: yes, my email: [email protected]
(2006.12.06)(16:47:36)*dmu says to *bengx2: and your name is? any specific course in business school is your interest?
(2006.12.06)(16:48:03)*son_wind says to *dmu: you mean if i choose music bsiness programme as you recommended just before, i need to have a interview
(2006.12.06)(16:49:56)*dmu says to *son_wind: hi, what course are u interested?
(2006.12.06)(16:51:22)*bengx2 says to *dmu: my name is luna, im looking for a course including management, basic accounting&finance,HR,organizetion,e-business,and international business as well
(2006.12.06)(16:52:10)*dmu says to *bengx2: and what level you're currently studying now? high school? have you had an IELTS test?
(2006.12.06)(16:53:51)*son_wind says to *dmu: my major in undergraduate study is international trade and economics,i just wonder if i finish this stage of study, which programmes i can enroll in your postgraduate study?
(2006.12.06)(16:54:05)*dmu says to mike: hi mike, will you be interested in the MA independant course of Media studies
(2006.12.06)(16:54:59)*dmu says to *son_wind: hi, most courses in our business school such as MSc International Business and Management, will u be interested?
(2006.12.06)(16:55:18)*bengx2 says to *dmu: i used to study ESL in Canada, and i also study "management in business administration" in INTI management college Beijing, but i quit after 1 year bcuz their horrible teaching... and i had many years working experience
(2006.12.06)(16:56:20)*bengx2 says to *dmu: im planning to take a ielts test in January
(2006.12.06)(16:56:47)mike says to *dmu: is it the research course?
(2006.12.06)(16:57:12)*bengx2 says to *dmu: my high school grade is overall B
(2006.12.06)(16:58:21)*dmu says to *bengx2: so what are u doing now? sounds you have quite an experience
(2006.12.06)(17:00:04)*dmu says to *cuikai08: hello, how are u doing? any course information you're interested?
(2006.12.06)(17:00:50)*bengx2 says to *dmu: i want to run my own business, but i felt im not capable enough, that's why i choose to study how to manage an company first, im 26 now
(2006.12.06)(17:00:53)*son_wind says to *dmu: i am not sure how many courses you can offer except this, my undergraduate study is BA, so i don't think MSc is suitable for me, do you have any MA(master of arts) courses are available for me?
(2006.12.06)(17:02:42)*dmu says to mike: yes, it's more like research course. the course is strong at media and film studies, including history, reception, textual properties, industrial and policy context of British, American and European film and British broadcasting. I'm not sure if the above areas you're familar with or not?
(2006.12.06)(17:04:48)*dmu says to *bengx2: you should have a look at this course then, MSc International Business and Entrepreneurship; it's more about running a small business and grow it. http://www.dmu.ac.uk/faculties/business_and_law/business/courses/pg/sm_msc_international_BusEnter.jsp
(2006.12.06)(17:06:40)*dmu says to *son_wind: it's no much difference between MA and MSc now. this course MSc International business and management was a MA course, but now change to MA cos of a little more quantitative methods elements added
(2006.12.06)(17:07:28)mike says to *dmu: not that familar with, so do u mean that i need some background for that?
(2006.12.06)(17:07:33)*dmu says to *bingbing: hi, any information you're interested?
(2006.12.06)(17:07:53)*bingbing says to *dmu: hi Arts
(2006.12.06)(17:08:50)*dmu says to mike: it will be good that you're quite experienced in that area that you know what exactly you study for; so it's called indepedant study. in the University of Leicester, they have a MA Mass Communication, have u heard of it? it might be another option for you too
(2006.12.06)(17:09:56)*bingbing says to *dmu: 有文化处的工作人员吗?
(2006.12.06)(17:10:04)*dmu says to mike: if you let me know ur email, interests, your current IELTS result that I can pass to the staff in university of leicester that you can have a look
(2006.12.06)(17:10:32)*dmu says to *bingbing: try mrsc. he might be the staff from british council. why?
(2006.12.06)(17:11:04)*bingbing says to *dmu: thanks
(2006.12.06)(17:12:27)*dmu says to *bingbing: hi, you may have a look at our faculty of art and design webpape, it's one of the largest art and design education centre in the uk higher educations. with 22 subjects to offer. http://www.dmu.ac.uk/faculties/art_and_design/index.jsp
(2006.12.06)(17:12:57)*dmu says to Brenda: hi, any information you're interested?
(2006.12.06)(17:13:44)*son_wind says to *dmu: i i want to konw more about other programmes so that i can have more choice
(2006.12.06)(17:14:11)mike says to *dmu: i think Mass communication is another good choice, so i will try that too, thx
(2006.12.06)(17:14:22)Brenda says to *dmu: i want to improve my English in your country ,and then i will apply Maste dgree
(2006.12.06)(17:14:38)*dmu says to *son_wind: that's fine. you can also leave me your email address and name that i can send more information about our Leicester Business School to you
(2006.12.06)(17:15:09)Brenda says to *dmu: does your university have this program?
(2006.12.06)(17:15:32)Brenda says to *dmu: i mean pre-Master courses
(2006.12.06)(17:15:37)*dmu says to mike: good luck, do you want to leave a contact for updated information int the future
(2006.12.06)(17:16:28)Brenda says to *dmu: oh ,you are very busy
(2006.12.06)(17:16:57)*dmu says to Brenda: we do have pre-master course for business school courses if that's what you're interested. and February 2007 is the next entry, requiring IELTS 6.0
(2006.12.06)(17:17:32)*dmu says to Brenda: here is more details http://www.dmu.ac.uk/faculties/business_and_law/business/sm_pre_masters.jsp
(2006.12.06)(17:17:37)Brenda says to *dmu: oh ,that
(2006.12.06)(17:18:18)*dmu says to Brenda: is business related your interest?
(2006.12.06)(17:18:25)Brenda says to *dmu: oh ,that sounds good, but I didn't take the IELTS
(2006.12.06)(17:18:49)*dmu says to Brenda: do you have plan to take an ielts soon?
(2006.12.06)(17:19:06)*dmu says to jesse: hi, what's your interest?
(2006.12.06)(17:19:26)Brenda says to *dmu: no ,i just prepare the TOEFL,and i want to know how score?
(2006.12.06)(17:19:35)*son_wind says to *dmu: my e_mail address is [email protected] i would appreciate for your helpe
(2006.12.06)(17:20:29)*dmu says to *son_wind: shall i call you son_wind for future contact, or you have another name?
(2006.12.06)(17:21:28)*dmu says to Brenda: are u going to take a TOEFL test? for TOEFL, we require 580 for the pre-master course
(2006.12.06)(17:21:53)Brenda says to *dmu: and what major in the bussiness school
(2006.12.06)(17:22:13)Brenda says to *dmu: MBA
(2006.12.06)(17:23:09)*dmu says to Brenda: Graduate Certificate in International Business (Pre-Masters)ACCA Full-Time Programme for International StudentsCIMA Full-Time Programme for International StudentsMSc Accounting and FinanceLLM Business Law (Full Time)MSc International Business and Corporate Social ResponsibilityMSc International Business and EntrepreneurshipMSc International Business and FinanceMSc International Business and Human Resource ManagementMSc International Business and ManagementMSc Marketing ManagementMBA (Full-time)MA Personnel and DevelopmentMSc Strategic Marketing MSc Strategic Public Management
(2006.12.06)(17:24:11)*dmu says to Brenda: accounting and finance, marketing, MBA, international business and management, human resource management, strategic public management
(2006.12.06)(17:25:30)*dmu says to mike: hi mike, do you have an email contact for an udpate
(2006.12.06)(17:25:46)Brenda says to *dmu: I want to know whether I didn't take IELTS, can I come to study?
(2006.12.06)(17:27:36)*dmu says to Brenda: it's ok if you have a TOEFL test result. or we have our own English test that is normally administered in cities Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing etc. You can also attend our own English test for free.
(2006.12.06)(17:28:25)*dmu says to *arts2: hi, is this chamberlain staff?
(2006.12.06)(17:29:11)*dmu says to *right: hi, how are u doing? any information intersted?
(2006.12.06)(17:30:00)*dmu says to *molihuihui: hi, how are you doing? any information interested?
(2006.12.06)(17:30:01)Brenda says to *dmu: oh?but my TOEFL test is not good .your university have own English test?so suprise ,also want to pass it ,right?
(2006.12.06)(17:30:16)*arts2 says to *dmu: Yes
(2006.12.06)(17:30:42)*dmu says to *arts2: haha, who is this? it's dahai here
(2006.12.06)(17:30:43)*arts2 says to *dmu: HELLO, Dahai?
(2006.12.06)(17:31:05)*dmu says to *arts2: hello, u are being busy?
(2006.12.06)(17:31:06)*arts2 says to *dmu: Nice to meet you here! HAHA
(2006.12.06)(17:31:26)*arts2 says to *dmu: I am Ben
(2006.12.06)(17:31:56)*dmu says to Brenda: hi brenda, have u got an email address? i can send more information for a future update
(2006.12.06)(17:32:14)Brenda says to *dmu: yeah ,i have .
(2006.12.06)(17:32:17)*dmu says to *arts2: hi, good to see u here.
(2006.12.06)(17:32:26)Brenda says to *dmu: [email protected]
(2006.12.06)(17:32:28)*dmu says to *arts2: uk is is *** windy recently
(2006.12.06)(17:32:59)*arts2 says to *dmu: take care
(2006.12.06)(17:33:26)*arts2 says to *dmu: How's the enquiry from this exhibition?
(2006.12.06)(17:33:33)Brenda says to *dmu: thank you
(2006.12.06)(17:33:53)*dmu says to *arts2: ben, for students who want to do arts, if london arts don't offer, recommend them to de montfort. you take good care too.
(2006.12.06)(17:34:16)*right says to *dmu: Thanks for your info, I would like to hear friends say
(2006.12.06)(17:34:27)*dmu says to *arts2: it's all right. got a couple of promising ones. but not many. too gland
(2006.12.06)(17:34:46)*arts2 says to *dmu: Deal
(2006.12.06)(17:35:00)*dmu says to *right: no problem, you're welcome to enquiry anytime
(2006.12.06)(17:36:09)*right says to *dmu: Thank you