英国华人论坛 英国网上教育展院校聊天实录-巴斯泉大学(2)


Bath Spa University(巴斯泉大学)

Bath Spa University(巴斯泉大学)



(2006.12.05)(20:28:51)*bathspa says to ALL: Hi to everyone
(2006.12.05)(20:29:47)*jackqzhang says to *bathspa: 有学国际航运管理的课程吗 
(2006.12.05)(20:30:39)*bathspa says to ALL: Sorry, not at Bath Spa.
(2006.12.05)(20:34:22)*bathspa says to michelle: We offer a PG in Education Studies see: http://www.bathspa.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/education.asp
(2006.12.05)(20:35:10)*bathspa says to michelle: We offer scholarships of up to 2000 GBP
(2006.12.05)(20:35:49)*bathspa says to bono: We offer Design: Brand Development
(2006.12.05)(20:38:31)*bathspa says to michelle: Great Britain Pounds. Money!
(2006.12.05)(20:38:39)bono says to *bathspa: do i need to have arts background?
(2006.12.05)(20:39:42)*bathspa says to bono: No, not for this course: 'Graduates from design, business and media programmes can take this opportunity to gain true insights and skills in the development of successful brands'.
(2006.12.05)(20:42:49)*bathspa says to Jack: We offer Design: Interaction Design. http://www.bathspa.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/design-interaction-design.asp
(2006.12.05)(20:43:26)jones says to *bathspa: Hi!is there any coures about graphic in Bathspa?
(2006.12.05)(20:43:36)*bathspa says to Jack: And Graphic Design at UG
(2006.12.05)(20:43:53)bono says to *bathspa: because my first degree is in Business so i think i can apply this course, but what's the IELTS requirement?
(2006.12.05)(20:44:47)jones says to *bathspa: graphic design
(2006.12.05)(20:44:58)*bathspa says to jones: Yes, we have an undergarduate course in Graphic Design http://www.bathspa.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/graphic-communication.asp
(2006.12.05)(20:46:43)Jack says to *bathspa: Sorry,I am applying Master degree.May I know the requirement of IELTS in Interation design on MA?
(2006.12.05)(20:47:14)Jack says to *bathspa: Sorry,I am applying for a Master degree.May I know the requirement of IELTS in Interation design on MA? 
(2006.12.05)(20:47:33)*bathspa says to bono: Hi IELTS is 6.5 for PG courses
(2006.12.05)(20:48:47)bono says to *bathspa: if i only got 6.0 can i still get the offer?
(2006.12.05)(20:50:45)*bathspa says to bono: We can offer you an English language course for a couple of months before you start to get you up that half point
(2006.12.05)(20:52:30)bono says to *bathspa: when is the deadline for this course?
(2006.12.05)(20:52:45)bono says to *bathspa: and how long for the English course?
(2006.12.05)(20:53:12)*bathspa says to bono: July 2007. But the sooner you apply, the better
(2006.12.05)(20:53:23)*bathspa says to bono: Two or three months
(2006.12.05)(20:56:21)bono says to *bathspa: thank you so much
(2006.12.05)(20:57:31)Jack says to *bathspa: I just check the website of the interaction design.This is a new course and any schoarship special for it? Thanks!
(2006.12.05)(20:57:32)*bathspa says to bono: Bono, look forward to seeing you in beautiful Bath!
(2006.12.05)(20:58:32)bono says to *bathspa: i heard that bath is beautiful and i am looking forward too
(2006.12.05)(20:58:42)*bathspa says to Jack: We have scholarships of up to £2000. The course used to be offered under the name 'Interactive Multimedia'.
(2006.12.05)(21:01:06)bono says to *bathspa: by the way, any scholarship available for the brand management?
(2006.12.05)(21:04:39)Jack says to *bathspa: do I need to offer a profitilo if I apply the scholarship?Is there any chinese stduent won it before?thanks!
(2006.12.05)(21:05:38)*bathspa says to ALL: Yes
(2006.12.05)(21:06:29)*bathspa says to bono: Scholarships available up to £2000
(2006.12.05)(21:08:05)bono says to *bathspa: if i want to get the scholarship how can i apply?
(2006.12.05)(21:08:25)*bathspa says to Jack: Yes, you need some evidence of your crative ability. Scholarships are offeredon academic merit alone.
(2006.12.05)(21:09:20)*bathspa says to bono: You have to apply for admission to the course, then you will be considred for scholarship once you been offered a place
(2006.12.05)(21:10:18)Jack says to *bathspa: Thanks!is the interactive multimedia and interation design the same course?thanks!
(2006.12.05)(21:12:47)bono says to *bathspa: thx
(2006.12.05)(21:13:34)*bathspa says to Jack: The name was changed from Interactive Multimedia to Interaction Design
(2006.12.05)(21:26:33)*bathspa says to jimmy: We can offer you an English course at any time of year
(2006.12.05)(21:31:51)jimmy says to *bathspa: usually how long for that English course?
(2006.12.05)(21:41:31)*bathspa says to jimmy: It can any length up to 9 monts. It depends on your level of English when you start and where you want to get to.


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