
(2006.11.25)(15:09:43)*shu-Rep says to *catmoney: hello
(2006.11.26)(20:30:09)*shu-Rep says to ALL: testing
(2006.11.26)(20:43:12)*shu-Rep says to ALL: testing
(2006.12.04)(19:59:13)*shu-Rep says to ALL: hi all
(2006.12.04)(20:24:56)*shu-Rep says to ALL: Hello Everyone! This is Sheffield Hallam University. Welcome to the Education UK Live Chat session. Does anyone have any questions?
(2006.12.04)(20:28:42)*shu-Rep says to *webmaster20: Hello webmaster. I have posted a message but I'm not sure if it can be seen by everyone in the Chatroom. Please can you confirm that you can see it.
(2006.12.04)(20:29:18)*mmu says to *shu-Rep: I can see it SHU rep
(2006.12.04)(20:29:19)*webmaster20 says to *shu-Rep: which one? Hello Everyone.....
(2006.12.04)(20:29:53)*shu-Rep says to *webmaster20: yes. Thanks for confirming that you can see it
(2006.12.04)(20:30:36)*ram says to *shu-Rep: yes, i can see you
(2006.12.04)(20:33:30)*cggao says to *shu-Rep: Do you have MA interactive media?
(2006.12.04)(20:34:29)*webmaster20 says to *shu-Rep: In order to make your answers stand out, I would suggest you select a colour for your text from the drop-down list next to the send button.
(2006.12.04)(20:34:51)*shu-Rep says to *cggao: Sheffield Hallam University offer an MA in Internactive Media see http://www.shu.ac.uk/faculties/aces/courses.html for more details
(2006.12.04)(20:35:21)icebaby says to *shu-Rep: 谢谢
(2006.12.04)(20:35:43)icebaby says to *shu-Rep: 雅思几分呢
(2006.12.04)(20:36:12)*shu-Rep says to *cggao: unfortunately we are only able to answer questions in English today. My Chinese colleague will take part on Tuesday and Thursday morning
(2006.12.04)(20:36:45)*wangjie8578 says to *shu-Rep: How's entry requirement about IELTS? Thanks!
(2006.12.04)(20:37:32)*shu-Rep says to *wangjie8578: Hello. Most of our courses (Batchelors and Masters) require IELTS 6. There are some exceptions. What course are you interested in?
(2006.12.04)(20:38:25)*shu-Rep says to icebaby: Hi Icebaby. Sorry this message was intended for you! Unfortunately we are only able to answer questions in English today. My Chinese colleague will take part on Tuesday and Thursday morning
(2006.12.04)(20:39:26)icebaby says to *shu-Rep: many thanks
(2006.12.04)(20:39:52)icebaby says to *shu-Rep: which city is SHU in ?
(2006.12.04)(20:40:18)*wangjie8578 says to *shu-Rep: Hello!I'd like to apply MSc Information Systems Security.But i only got 6 at present.
(2006.12.04)(20:40:54)*shu-Rep says to icebaby: Sheffield Hallam University is in Sheffield in the North of England. See http://www.shu.ac.uk/visit/ for more information
(2006.12.04)(20:41:13)*webmaster20 says to *shu-Rep: Hi, I can help with translation if necessary
(2006.12.04)(20:41:20)icebaby says to *shu-Rep: what about the fee for live there
(2006.12.04)(20:42:39)alicia says to *shu-Rep: Hello!
(2006.12.04)(20:43:45)alicia says to *shu-Rep: Hello!I want to know some details about your university
(2006.12.04)(20:43:54)*shu-Rep says to icebaby: the British council advise that studetns require about £660 per month for living costs. However, the cost of living in Sheffield may well be a little cheaper
(2006.12.04)(20:44:39)*shu-Rep says to alicia: Hello Alicia. Lots of information can be found on our website: www.shu.ac.uk. Is there anything inparticular you want to know?
(2006.12.04)(20:45:53)alicia says to *shu-Rep: Yes,I want to continue my education in computer,and my bachelor subject is Mathematics
(2006.12.04)(20:46:35)icebaby says to *shu-Rep: oh really ?!
(2006.12.04)(20:47:05)*shu-Rep says to alicia: Hi Alicia. we offer a range of computing courses at Masters level. See http://www.shu.ac.uk/computing/postgraduate/ for more information.
(2006.12.04)(20:47:14)icebaby says to *shu-Rep: thanks. so do you think is enough?
(2006.12.04)(20:47:42)*shu-Rep says to icebaby: Yes! Sheffield has some of the lowest living costs in the UK
(2006.12.04)(20:49:03)icebaby says to *shu-Rep: i have graduated for 2 years, do you think it's ok for me to study abroad?
(2006.12.04)(20:49:18)*shu-Rep says to icebaby: for more information about living cost see our pre-arrival guide http://www.shu.ac.uk/international/docs/pre_arrival_guide.pdf
(2006.12.04)(20:50:00)icebaby says to *shu-Rep: do you think students who is just graduated is better than me?
(2006.12.04)(20:50:26)*shu-Rep says to icebaby: Lots of students who apply to Sheffield Hallam University have several years work experience. Not all students come straight away after graduating
(2006.12.04)(20:51:08)*shu-Rep says to icebaby: We welcome students from a wide range of backgrounds and experience.
(2006.12.04)(20:51:30)alicia says to *shu-Rep: Can I apply to your university if I change my subject from Mathematics to Computer?
(2006.12.04)(20:52:04)*wangjie8578 says to *shu-Rep: Ok!thanks
(2006.12.04)(20:52:52)icebaby says to *shu-Rep: thanks very much
(2006.12.04)(20:53:39)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: hello.i want to know more about the course of tour management
(2006.12.04)(20:54:15)*shu-Rep says to alicia: Most of our computer courses require Computer Programming experience (C++) but you should check the requirements for the particular course you want to apply for
(2006.12.04)(20:55:15)icebaby says to *shu-Rep:
(2006.12.04)(20:55:29)*popking says to *shu-Rep: Hi! I am wondering whether you have any courses in Counselling or consultation?
(2006.12.04)(20:55:40)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: Hello! Sheffield Hallam Unviersity has an excellent reputation for delivering courses in Hspitality and Tourism. See http://www.shu.ac.uk/tourism/ for more details. Which course are you interested in?
(2006.12.04)(20:55:43)icebaby says to *shu-Rep:
(2006.12.04)(20:56:37)alicia says to *shu-Rep: But there are nothing information about MSc Multimedia and the Internet online?
(2006.12.04)(20:57:14)*shu-Rep says to *popking: Hi popking. We offer an MA in Social Work
(2006.12.04)(20:57:18)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: what is requirement about ielts?
(2006.12.04)(20:57:58)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: Hello. Most of our courses (Batchelors and Masters) require IELTS 6. There are some exceptions. What course are you interested in?
(2006.12.04)(20:58:23)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: only 6?
(2006.12.04)(20:58:40)alicia says to *shu-Rep: I will join an IELTS exam three months later, when can I begain to apply?
(2006.12.04)(20:58:41)*shu-Rep says to alicia: Hi Alicia. The link you require is: http://www2.shu.ac.uk/prospectus/op_pglookup1.cfm?id_num=CMS019&status=TN
(2006.12.04)(20:59:00)*popking says to *shu-Rep: Thanks for your reply.
(2006.12.04)(20:59:18)alicia says to *shu-Rep: Thanks!I am looking for details on the site
(2006.12.04)(20:59:18)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: i am surfing your website now..
(2006.12.04)(20:59:21)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: IELTS 6 for our Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management courses
(2006.12.04)(20:59:49)*shu-Rep says to *popking: No problem! Please let me know if you have any more questions
(2006.12.04)(21:00:06)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: but i cannot enter the website
(2006.12.04)(21:00:52)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: which course is best in shu?
(2006.12.04)(21:01:13)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: www.shu.ac.uk or the Chinese version http://www.shu-china.cn/. Alternatively have a look at our Virtual Exhibtion Booth http://ve.educationuk.cn/shu
(2006.12.04)(21:01:33)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: ok thx
(2006.12.04)(21:02:02)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: Which course are you interested in? We have several very strong departments offering a range of subjects
(2006.12.04)(21:03:00)alicia says to *shu-Rep: What is the fee and how long will it continue?In addition,what is the deadline date for application?By the way,I will get my Bachelor degree in July,2007
(2006.12.04)(21:03:50)alicia says to *shu-Rep: I mean how long will a Master degree lst?
(2006.12.04)(21:05:15)*shu-Rep says to alicia: The fees range from 7,995 to 10,500 GBP depending on which course you want to study. A Masters degree takes 1 year to complete. there is no set deadline for postgraduate applications but we encourage studetns to apply as soon as possible as popular courses fill up very quickly
(2006.12.04)(21:05:53)*popking says to *shu-Rep: Thanks. Is it social work similar to counselling? As I want to further my career as a consultant or trainer,I am not sure whether Social work is suitable for me?
(2006.12.04)(21:06:40)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: i am intersted in the tourism magegement
(2006.12.04)(21:07:24)*shu-Rep says to alicia: Social workers are trained to help people who are having difficulties in their lives, or whose actions cause significant harm or problems for others. They aim to help people live as independently as possible, by providing services to help support, care for or protect them when necessary. Social workers make it easier for people to access a range of helpful services, resources and information. see http://www.shu.ac.uk/socialwork/ for more information
(2006.12.04)(21:07:56)*shu-Rep says to *popking: Sorry Popking - this answer was meant for you Social workers are trained to help people who are having difficulties in their lives, or whose actions cause significant harm or problems for others. They aim to help people live as independently as possible, by providing services to help support, care for or protect them when necessary. Social workers make it easier for people to access a range of helpful services, resources and information. see http://www.shu.ac.uk/socialwork/ for more information
(2006.12.04)(21:09:33)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: We offer an Msc International Hospitality and Tourism Management course - this includes a 6 - 12 month work placement
(2006.12.04)(21:10:40)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: in where?
(2006.12.04)(21:12:00)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: In the UK or overseas see http://www2.shu.ac.uk/prospectus/op_pglookup1.cfm?id_num=LFM061&status=TN for more information
(2006.12.04)(21:12:47)alicia says to *shu-Rep: What does "experienced professional web developers and designers based on their work experience" mean? Thanks!
(2006.12.04)(21:13:28)*shu-Rep says to alicia: Hi alicia
(2006.12.04)(21:13:36)*shu-Rep says to alicia: Which course are you looking at?
(2006.12.04)(21:14:18)alicia says to *shu-Rep: computer
(2006.12.04)(21:14:44)alicia says to *shu-Rep: MSc Multimedia and the Internet
(2006.12.04)(21:15:42)*shu-Rep says to alicia: Alicia
(2006.12.04)(21:15:45)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: what about the grant?
(2006.12.04)(21:15:52)alicia says to *shu-Rep: Yes?
(2006.12.04)(21:16:58)alicia says to *shu-Rep: I want to continue my Master degree in Multimedia and the Internet,and my bachelor degree is Mathematics
(2006.12.04)(21:17:18)*shu-Rep says to alicia: for this course usually you requie a good honours degree in a course that contains a significant proportion of computing. However, we also consider experienced professional web developers and designers on the basis of their work experience and any other formal qualifications
(2006.12.04)(21:18:26)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: Hi we have scholarships available, some which ar specifically for Chinese students see http://www.shu.ac.uk/international/scholarships.html
(2006.12.04)(21:20:51)alicia says to *shu-Rep: Does your university offer Computer Science?
(2006.12.04)(21:21:11)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: i must finish the application form on line ,right?
(2006.12.04)(21:22:40)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: or print the form and mail you?
(2006.12.04)(21:23:05)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: Hi alicia we offer several courses in computing and computers but not one with the title Computer Science. Please have a look at our website for all the details http://www.shu.ac.uk/computing/postgraduate/
(2006.12.04)(21:24:23)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: The application form can be found online and is designed to be printed out and submitted by post or in person.It can also be scanned and emailed. See http://www.shu.ac.uk/study/form.html for more information
(2006.12.04)(21:25:36)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: must i mail before MAX?
(2006.12.04)(21:26:13)*shu-Rep says to ALL: Hi Everyone. There are only 5 minutes remaining of this live chat sesssion. Does anyone have any more questions for Sheffield Hallam University?
(2006.12.04)(21:27:52)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: Can you explain what you mean
(2006.12.04)(21:29:57)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: SORRY,I mean that whether i must finish before christmas ?
(2006.12.04)(21:31:34)*shu-Rep says to *qyfs15: Thank you! There is no set deadline for postgraduate applications but we encourage students to apply as soon as possible as popular courses fill up very quickly
(2006.12.04)(21:33:06)*qyfs15 says to *shu-Rep: yes thanks so much
(2006.12.04)(21:35:31)*shu-Rep says to ALL: Hello Everyone! Thank you very much for all your questions. I look forward to chatting to you again tomorrow. Good bye from Sheffield Hallam University