
(2006.12.04)(19:49:44)*nupt says to ALL: hi
(2006.12.04)(19:50:36)*nupt says to *ram: test
(2006.12.04)(20:33:14)*cggao says to *nupt: Do you have MA interactive media?
(2006.12.04)(20:34:07)*webmaster20 says to *nupt: In order to make your answers stand out, I would suggest you select a colour for your text from the drop-down list next to the send button.
(2006.12.04)(20:43:23)*coconut says to *nupt: I like the website of your student's very much. especially this one: http://www.trunk.me.uk/hoonpatrol/
(2006.12.04)(20:45:11)*nupt says to *coconut: Hi coconut, great to hear that you like out website - what course are you interested in?
(2006.12.04)(20:46:09)*coconut says to *nupt: I am thinking to study either Public relations or Media or communication
(2006.12.04)(20:48:23)*nupt says to *coconut: Have you thought about Advertising Design? We've got 6 Chinese students on the BA course and they're really enjoying it?
(2006.12.04)(20:49:54)*coconut says to *nupt: I am not very good at design. I like looking others design, but I don't have the talent of drawing. Although I am quite creative of thinking advertising ideas
(2006.12.04)(20:50:58)*nupt says to *coconut: The ideas are the most important thing!
(2006.12.04)(20:51:25)*mirrorzhao says to *nupt: any MA course only need IELTS 6.0, although i really want to study Finance and Business, but my English is not that good
(2006.12.04)(20:51:46)*coconut says to *nupt: Really! Good to hear that!
(2006.12.04)(20:52:05)*coconut says to *nupt: Is the education system in Wales the same as that in England?
(2006.12.04)(20:54:26)*nupt says to *mirrorzhao: Hi, MA Design needs IELTS 6.0 but you need a good portfolio of design work and you would have additional English language support
(2006.12.04)(20:55:17)*popking says to *nupt: Hi! I am wondering whether you have any courses in Counselling or consultation?
(2006.12.04)(20:55:24)*nupt says to *coconut: There are a couple of differences but mostly it's the same
(2006.12.04)(20:56:55)*mirrorzhao says to *nupt: but if i really want to study Business what is the deadline for applying next year's course?
(2006.12.04)(20:57:21)*mirrorzhao says to *nupt: and any additional English course need to be attended?
(2006.12.04)(20:58:20)*nupt says to *popking: Hi, we have a BA (Hons) in Counselling Studies & Society but I'm from the Art School so I don't know a lot about it, you could have a look at their website
(2006.12.04)(21:00:57)*nupt says to *mirrorzhao: The deadline is the 30th June 2007
(2006.12.04)(21:02:33)*coconut says to *nupt: I don't want to be offend you, but some of my friend told me that education in wales is not as good as that in England, and people in england don't want to study in Wales. Is it true?
(2006.12.04)(21:03:35)*nupt says to *mirrorzhao: We run pre sessional courses for either 4 weeks or 8 weeks if you need them
(2006.12.04)(21:04:04)*popking says to *nupt: Are there any Master degree? Could I check which school I should look at? Is it education??
(2006.12.04)(21:05:02)*nupt says to *coconut: Absolutely not! At Newport we've got an international reputation, particularly for Film and Photography!
(2006.12.04)(21:07:50)*coconut says to *nupt: ok. a friend told me so. she is working in London. Sorry. I just want to be safe.
(2006.12.04)(21:12:01)*nupt says to *popking: We offer an MA Consultative Supervision designed for Health Care Professionals - is that of any interest?