英国华人论坛 个人陈述样本(英文-1)



Personal Statement

Once a philosopher said that numerous choices made up of life. As for me, there are two significant choices that have great influence on my development orientation and career over the 21 years. Four years ago, in spite of teachers’ strong oppositions, I resolutely gave up mathematics that I was adept at and chose to study Law after National College Entrance Examination, for I understood that such a choice would enable me to actualize my dream and accomplish my pursuit of life. Last month, I unhesitatingly quitted the qualification of furthering studies at ours without taking examinations, which our university offered to those academic excellent students. I abandoned the chance that most of students longed for. Instead, I choose to study in UK and I would like to apply for LLM in Corporate Law & Governance administrated by University of Warwick so as to win self-improvement. It is proved that my first choice is right and the second choice is under way. I yearn for engaging myself in law, so I hope I can make my ideal come true as expected.

To study law is my childhood dream, my way of exploring the fairness and harmoniousness of the society and the necessary path for me to realize my dream of embarking on law. My grandfather and grandmother are both engaged in law of the first batch after the foundation of P.R. China. And my father is a judge. Growing up in such family atmosphere, I have been edified by various value views concerning law since childhood. Supposed I accepted these value views passively in childhood, now law is not only my major but also my way of living in the previous three years in that my study of logic thinking of law has exerted an great influence on my idea. Law is the crystal of human’s wisdom and the footstone of harmonious society. My ideal of becoming a lawyer strives me to move forward on the way of studying law perseveringly.

After her entry to WTO, developing herself rapidly in economic globalization, China has a lot of development opportunities and increasing chances to involve herself in trades with developed foreign countries. However, there do exist insufficiencies and the most obvious one is her imperfection in law system. My study at the university makes me clearly understand that there are plenty of problems in our law and realize that China needs learn from and use relevant systems of western countries for reference. Hence I want to get to know law ideas of British and American law systems so as to acquire healthy law systems regarding economy and trade in western countries. As the cradle of common law system, UK enjoys a high reputation in law research and education all over the world.

Via the Internet, I have referred to the recruit information and specility setting of Law School of celebrated higher education institutions of UK, to my surprise, I find yours will offer the program of International Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation in 2007. In my opinion, the program will enable students to contact system and rules of corporate law on a whole in a year and apply law to practice in financial aspect and so on. No doubt, it offers me a gold opportunity to touch relevant contents about corporate law to a maximum extent in the one-year study.


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