这面这些是民间的一些条款,我试着弄明确第一句就疯了。前面说where there is evidence to establish your date
of entry to the UK, 还有阿谁 where there is no evidence to establish your date of entry to the UK 怎么又是evidence, 又是no evidence 啊。还有阿谁
entry clearance,
leave to enter or
leave to remain
此外,总说your last grant of ,是否指的的经过守业移民获取的前三年的签证呢?而后当初在谈的是续签?我不知道我了解的对不合错误
Where your last grant of entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain was as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant, one of the above conditions must have been met within six months of the specified date.
The specified date being either:
The date of your entry to the UK, where you were granted entry clearance as a
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant and where there is evidence to establish your date
of entry to the UK; or
The date of your grant of entry clearance, where you were granted entry clearance
as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant and where there is no evidence to establish
your date of entry to the UK; or
The date of your grant of leave to remain, in any other case.
This does not apply where your last grant of leave prior to the grant of leave that
you currently have was as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, a Businessperson or an
我至关于本人钻研的,我集体并无请求。目前得多人都在搞这个签证,两到三年后大家都波及这个问题,所以foward thinking 一下,我感觉根本的要求好了解,包罗证实一些投资的功效,是不是发明了新的任务岗位等等。我当初但愿片面理解每一个个条款的含意,只是作为集体的常识罢了,假如先辈能给点指导,不剩感谢,尤为是这部份很绕口,
You have:
• registered with HM Revenue & Customs as self-employed; or
• registered a new business in which you are a director; or
• registered as a director of an existing business.
where + specific date 这两段得多意思我不是很了解
Where your last grant of entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain was as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant, one of the above conditions must have been met within six months of the specified date
The specified date being either:
The date of your entry to the UK, where you were granted entry clearance as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant and where there is evidence to establish your date
of entry to the UK; or
The date of your grant of entry clearance, where you were granted entry clearance
as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant and where there is no evidence to establish
your date of entry to the UK; or
The date of your grant of leave to remain, in any other case.
This does not apply where your last grant of leave prior to the grant of leave that you currently have was as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, a Businessperson or an Innovator
1 你是在国际签证的,那末是从你进入英国的时间来算,假如有证实进入英国的时间
2 你是在英国签证的,那末时间是从你签证失效的那一天开始算起
3 你是在国际签证的,然而,假如没有证实进入英国的时间,那末又是另外一种状况
entry clearance:是指你初次从国际签证所获取的签证
leave to remain:是指你在英国获取的继签
leave to enter:这个我不是很确定,多是你从国际获取的续签。这个最佳有大牛来确认
不外,假如你曾经在英国,应该是leave to remain!
谢谢你的耐烦回复,下列这段话是我从网上找到的,屡次提到leave to enter 和 leave to remain,有一点启示,然而仍是不肯定啊
我是以先生签证过去的,过后也不分明本人的下一步应该怎么走,然而当我遇到一个护士之后,我的指标逐步明晰起来,因而我就到了一间NURSING HOME面试,MANAGER问我说,是不是有WORK PERMIT,我说我只是先生罢了,她说我英文不错,能够帮忙我请求WORK PERMIT,我听了之后心中暗喜,呵呵。。。之后,我才无机会接触咱们的公司 所以,请求任务许可的第一步就是要先找到雇主,由于WORK PERMIT只要雇主能力够请求。接上去就是把资料给雇主,他们会把资料递给HOME OFFICE的WORK PERMIT DEPARTMENT,之后就是等候了,个别在2-4周摆布,也有些特殊状况需求更长期。假如经过了,会收到HOME OFFCIE的第一封信,信上告知你说曾经经过了,假如被回绝,是收不到第一封信了,呵呵。信中还告知你说,你的CASE曾经交给移民局了,由于是要转变身份,一定要经过移民局,在英国境内转叫Leave to remain ,Leave to remain 请求的前提是leave to enter的一切前提加之是以任务签证出境的。所以在去年增补条款颁发以前,先生及其余签证是不成以在英国境内转成任务签证的。当初虽然按照增补条款能够,然而要求就对比死,象之前有拒签记载,超期居留等都会影响到你在英国境内延签。而境外签你只有比照那几条知足了就能了。分别是,任务许可及其它文件实在无效,有本人糊口的经济前提,不必求助公共基金,有实现任务许可上标明的任务的技巧,有不换任务的诚意。英国的移民官彻底是按这几条来看的。所以咯,在国际签证要比在英国境内请求来得容易的多。
entry clearance
ECB3 What is entry clearance?
Entry clearance is the procedure used by Entry Clearance Officers (ECOs) at British missions overseas to check, before a person arrives in the UK, if that person qualifies under the I妹妹igration Rules for entry to the UK.
In some cases entry clearance is mandatory, in others it is optional (see ECB04 Who needs an entry clearance?)
In all cases, the authority to admit someone to the UK ultimately rests with the I妹妹igration Officer (IO) at the port of entry.
Applicants must submit biometric information as part of their application and pay a fee (see visa fees page on this website).
leave to enter
Leave to remain
Leave to remain is permission to stay in the UK, either temporarily (‘limited leave to remain’) or permanently (‘indefinite leave to remain’).
简略来讲, entry clearance是境外请求签证的顺序, 而后在境外做出entry clearance的抉择, 经过后给予发放visa, 也就是entry clearance经过的证据, 失掉的leave就是leave to enter, 这里的leave的词义是official permission to do sth, 所以leave to enter就是permission to enter, 就是进入英国国境的许可, 纷歧定是初次, 由于得多时分每次境外请求新的签证均可能是一次新的entry clearance, 另外一方面, 经过了entry clearance也纷歧定可以出境, 由于各个port的ECO有现场抉择权,能够由于某些缘故回绝出境. 作为visa national的中国人是需求先在境外请求entry clearance的,但有些国度的人就不需求境外事先请求,就是所谓的落地签了, 这样他们即便一样的目的和身份出境英国, 他们就是只要leave to enter而没有entry clearance了.
至于leave to remain就不必多说了, 就是通常所说的境内续签, 就是permission to stay
entry clearance or leave to enter as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant and did not have
leave in this category within the last 十二 months; and leave to enter as~~
比来十二个月内没有以Tier 1移民这类方式管理出境许可和进入英国的许可请求
5.People in the following categories will be able to travel to this country without entry clearance and apply for leave to enter the uk on arrival.