比来在网上看到动静说一切家庭类签证请求人必需经过Life in the UK! Test测试,并需提供英语据说才能达到B1级(中级1等,雅思4.0-4.5程度)以上的证实,不然将被限期离境。。。
我和老婆明年十二月签永居 (我是T1 G 签证,老婆是dependent),不知到我老婆需求考这个雅思吗?而且假如我在英国读的大学是否不必提供任何言语证实了?
明年10月后的家庭类签证请求人都要提供 B1 和 life in uk 的证实
大学证书无效期好像只要2年, 你看着办
Statement of Intent - Family Migration
From October 2013, all applicants for settlement will be required to demonstrate a knowledge of language and life in the UK by passing the Life in the UK test and by presenting a speaking and listening qualification at intermediate level (Co妹妹on European Framework of Reference level B1) or above. This language requirement, together with a knowledge of the values that underlie British society, will help ensure that those who settle here are able to participate in British life and are better able to gain employment.
The speaking and listening qualification must be secure, robust and generally available in the UK. We will consider these criteria over the coming months and will publish details of acceptable speaking and listening qualifications early next year. An applicant who presented, and had accepted, an English language qualification at B1 level or above in connection with a previous application to the UK Border Agency should be able to continue to rely on the qualification as evidence of B1 level speaking and listening skills, provided that no doubts have arisen about its genuineness.