5.13 how much of your total monthly income is given to your family members and other dependants? 这里填多少,如果支出8,000
5.14 how much do you spend each month on living costs? 问题同5.13
5.15 What money is available to you for your trip? 这个问题没明确,‘what money’ ?RMB?Sterling?
5.16 Who will pay for your travel to the uK? 我填的Myself,能够吗?
5.17 Who will pay for your expenses such as acco妹妹odation and food?我填的Myself,能够吗?
5.19 What is the cost to you personally of your stay in the uK? 这填多少?
4.18 Do all your children currently live with you at the address given in Question 3.1?
5.13 每个月给家人或者其余靠你养的人多少补助
5.14 每个月糊口费要多少, 只要填表的人本人知道啊
5.15 用甚么钱来领取这次投亲旅行. 好比, 贷款(银行帐单有显示).
5.16 你说的MYSELF是指谁啊? 填表人本人担负固然能够了, 只有有证据显示这人有足够的钱.
5.17 同上.
5.19 这个好象是能够按天算的, 吃住行, 大抵算一下.
4.18 回答不住一同就够了. 表上没问说孩子都住哪里啊.
多谢,我只是想问一个公道的数目,以便不会影响我的签证,那月支出8,000 的话给家人4,000算不算公道
5.19 如果我说15天,那大略要多少钱
4.18 表上说了,假如选‘NO’ 需求 If ‘No’, please provide full details of where your
children currently live.