7月17日(约到12:00, 9:30到,在外面等到1:30才签.只吃了一包芝麻胡,饿)
v: Hello.
m: (没理她,关门)
m:Nice to meet you, madam. (对翻译mm)Nice to meet you.
t: 翻译mm走人. ft
v: What will you do in UK?
m: I want to pusure the master of science in universtiy of Bristol.
v: Which major?
m: Advanced mechanical engineering.
v: Which 资格do you have?
m: Bachelor of engineering.
v: Can I see it?
m: Of course. Here you are madam.(将证书递给她)
v: (将证书放到紫外光下照啊照)
v: ....fees?
m: Do you mean the tuition fees?
v: No, the total fees/
m: About 18000 pounds.
v: Who will support you?
m: My father.
v: How much prepared?
m: xxxxxxxxxx
v: His job?
m: My parents did clothing business from 1985 to 2002. They bought clothes from these factories to other factories. And my father became the manager and share hold of Shunchang Company.
v: Income?
m: Because it isn't enough for one year, so I can't give you the exact income. My father has a xxxx salary per month and can get a xxxx bonus this year.
v: Any 资料?
m: There are some letters from my father.(指着担保信和一些说明)
v: English form?
m: No.
v: (跑出去,半天回来.指着上面的东西说)You say your father has a xx% share and a xxxxxx bonus. Do you have any certificates?
m: (慌,居然忘了公司的证明)No.
v: It says that your father began it last year. So what's the income before?
m: About xxxxxxx.
v: Certificates?
m: No. But I have some bankbooks.
v: Oh, I want to see.
m: Oh, there are also some interest bills. And some tax invoices.
v: (指着税单说)I am sorry I can't find your father's income from these.(因为是定税)
m: This is the business license.
v: No. 我不看.
v: Do you feel well?
m: I have a little nervous.(???严重语法错误)
v: Do you understand my questions?
m: Yeah.
v: You can wait outside.
m: Outside?
v: yes.
v: .........refuse..........