V: How long are you going to stay in UK?
M: 13 months. One month for my pre-sessional course and twelve months for my master degree course!
V(她点了点头,开始在我的IM2A表上写着些什么): What subjects are contained in your pre-sessional course?
这个问题,我可没有准备,因为材料上只说了学了这个课后会有什么好处和课程安排的形式,没有提到具体是什么课程?于是我犹豫了一下,说了一句:I beg you pardon?
V(没有抬头): Is it a language course?
M: No, it is not a language-focused, but study-skill oriented!
V(一边写一边问): So, it is not a language course!
M: Yes!
V(继续在表上写着): How long?
M: Four weeks!
V(继续写着,写完后开始翻看我的材料找到大学的admission letter,看了看,要求看原件。我把所有原件一起递给了她。又看了看我的pre-sessional course的offer,于是一个我意想不到的麻烦出现了):Your pre-sessional course is not a language course, right?
M: Yes!
V(她指着我的offer说):Then, why your offer letter says it is a full-time English Language course?
我看了看,原来我的offer letter是由学校语言中心发的,信的格式用的是统一的模板,发信时可能没有注意,上面写着:to attend full-time English Language course as follows: Pre-MBA/MSc in Management……
M: The pre-MSc in Management course is not a language course,it is special
V(打断我的话): But your offer says it is!
M:It is a mistake!
V: A mistake? Are you sure what course you are going to take?
翻译进来后,用英文跟翻译说了几句,因为我听懂了,没等翻译跟我译,我就用中文告诉翻译我的情况,强调了这门课不是语言学习的,也分析了这封offer可能是因为统一模板所引起的误会。翻译似乎弄懂了,同情的点了点头,跟签证官开始翻译,说了半天,签证官也没弄明白,满脸迷惑。我急了,突然想起带着学校语言中心给我寄来的program brochure,于是找出来递了进去,然后用英语大声强调为什么我要选这门课,它会给我带来哪些好处。签证官一边听,一边翻看着我的材料,最后终于点了点头,说道:Ok, it is degree program connected! But still have some language courses! 于是,开始给我念brochure上面写的什么: To express your ideas orally and in writing with confident and clarity, etc. 我于是不断点头,说了句:I am sorry for my poor communication!
V: That’s ok! It is not your fault. (跟着说了几句,我没有完全听懂,大概意思是这封从英语语言中心发出来的信,自己反而带来了语言上的麻烦)
V: Can you tell me your degree course arrangement?
M: 我早有准备,如数家珍。
V(一边点头,一边说): Wait a moment. Allow me to write down!
写完后,又问:Why do you decide to study in UK!
M: Because business management in UK has a long tradition of excellence in both teaching and research.
V: How much about your course and your living expenditure!
M: Together ××× pounds!
V: How much is your annual family income?
M: ××× RMB!
V(开始翻看我的资金证明材料,找到我父母的工资证明): So, you parents work in the same company!
M: Yes!
V(因为上面写的是我父母的月收入): Could you tell me you mother’s annual income?
V: You don’t even know your mother’s income?
M: I know! ×××RMB!
V: Can I see your deposit?
M: Yes.
V: What’s your future plan after your graduation?
M: Come back to China.
V: Return to the same working unit?
M: Well, yes!
整个签证给我的感觉是,英国人还是很欢迎我们去读书的,签证时虽然遇到了一点麻烦,但总的来说,同签证官的面谈更象是一种例行公事,谈话的内容就是帮她填表。我认为一定要问的问题, 如:(You can earn much more money in Britain, why you say you will come back to China?) 她反而没有问,到是有个意想不到的问题给我带了麻烦。还有税单和公证也不一定是必要的,准备了是为了有备无患。另外对于外地的朋友到北京签证,最好提前一天去北京,这样虽然花费可能要多一些,但可以有时间先去嘉里中心熟悉地形,还可以在签证之前好好休息一下,养足精神。最后,祝大家好运!