英国华人论坛 伯明翰大型物流公司诚聘人事主管


招聘岗位:人事主管/HR Supervisor薪水:面议薪水类型:月薪支付周期:月付工作地点:M6DC Cannock, Cley Road, Kindswood Lakeside, Cannock WS11 8AA联系人:左小姐(Bella)邮箱:[email protected]详情公司简介:

纵腾集团成立于2007年,总部位于中国深圳,以“全球跨境电商基础设施服务商”为企业定位,为跨境电商商户提供海外仓储、专线物流服务及商品分销、供应链服务等一体化物流解决方案。旗下拥有“谷仓海外仓”、“云途物流”、“纵腾冠通”、“沃德太客”等知名的服务品牌。自成立以来,纵腾集团不断加强自身基础能力建设,目前已建成重点覆盖欧美地区,遍及六大洲的跨境电商物流网络,在全球拥有员工近3000人,超过40家分支机构,近20座境外仓储和中转枢纽,仓储总面积超过50万平方米,年处理订单量超过3亿单,服务全球超过1.5万家跨境电商商户。现为集团伯明翰分公司招聘人事主管两个岗位,欢迎有意者投递简历或微信联系。微信:ZongtengRecruitment / 邮箱[email protected]
Job Responsibilities:

liaising with the head office to implement HR policies & strategies;dealing with legal compliance and corporate risk issues;Dealing with employee relation issues, managing disciplinary procedures and issuing relevant documentation.Playing key role in maintaining line management awareness of policy changes;Managing basic payroll and work with external payroll accountant;Overseeing all aspects of talent and succession planning, including recruitment functions;Delivering advice and guidance on HR matters, including on-boarding, contract termination, redundancy, sick leave and maternity leave;Updating records and organise training that us required to further staff development;Working with Health & Safety Consultant to promote Health & Safety rulesPromoting equality and diversity in support of culture change.Working with external consultation to provide effective Health & Safety management.
job requirements:
Acquire qualifications to enable you to carry out this role, either through College/University study, as well as CIPD qualification (CIPD level 5 or above);Must have UK-based experience in similar roles and tasks (onboarding, creating HR documentation, managing basic payroll, risk and compliance issues);Must have UK-based hands-on experience in leading employee relations, including tactful management of absence, disciplinaries, grievances and sickness;Will understand Health & Safety legislation, and to be able to implement process and documentation throughout the business;Must be fluent in both Mandarin and English.

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英国中文论坛招聘岗位:仓库工作工作种类:全职薪水:面议薪水类型:月薪支付周期:月付工作地点:莱斯特联系人:STEVEN电话:07464612688详情 需要资深仓储主管,经理,英语需流利沟通,精通对 ...



英国中文论坛招聘岗位:办公室助理工作种类:办公室薪水:面议薪水类型:月薪支付周期:月付工作地点:伯明翰联系人:Leona邮箱:[email protected]详情联合地产 诚聘办公室助理(伯明翰工作 ...