Traffic,Congestion,Theories,Im law Traffic Congestion: Theories, Impact and Countermeasures
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Whentraffic slows due to increased usage by drivers, it is known as trafficcongestion. This often occurs during what is known as rush hour traffictimes; however, poor weather conditions, accidents, road construction and otherissues such as evacuations can cause traffic congestion to occur. For drivers,the result is slower speeds and increased drive times. Traffic congestion canalso frequently cause vehicles to come to a complete stop for a few seconds tohours, depending upon the area and the cause of the congestion. Theories Used to Predict Traffic CongestionSeveralmathematical theories have been used to predict traffic congestion. Many havecompared traffic congestion to fluid dynamics, as spontaneous jams can occurdue to a minor event in instances of traffic that is heavy, though freeflowing. Unfortunately, traffic can be affected by many events, such assignals, entries from on ramps, departures onto exit ramps, accidents and roadconstruction. Inaddition, with so many goods being shipped throughout the U.S. via highways,packages commonly fall from trucks and also play a part in traffic congestion.Because there are so many factors, it is difficult to predict the true flow oftraffic at any given time with the use of theoretical models. Yet, empirical modelsare beginning to shed some light on the issue.Economicsalso plays a part in traffic congestion. In countries like India and China,economic growth has caused a massive increase in road usage, thus resulting insevere congestion of traffic. It is believed that highway privatization andpossible toll roads may help to decrease traffic congestion; however, this proposedsolution also has its downfalls. Standardworkdays are believed to be a main cause of traffic congestion think rushhour traffic that is inevitable unless businesses restructure their workinghours. Public transportation, in combination with toll roads, may help todecrease the traffic congestion and the funds raised from toll-ways can be rolledinto expanding public transportation. Negative Impacts of Traffic CongestionObviously,traffic congestion is associated with many negative effects. It wastes the timeof drivers and their passengers. Traffic congestion is often responsible forcausing delays that result in lost work time, lost time for education, lostbusiness and more; much of which has dire consequences such as personal loss ordisciplinary action. Trafficcongestion also results in additional non-productive activity, thus reducingeconomic health. Drivers become frustrated or stressed, making congestedhighways unsafe for motorists due to the higher potential for road rage.Drivers traveling congested highways also have to deal with additional costsdue to congestion because of the additional fuel burned sitting in traffic,along with the wear on their vehicles. Of course, the increased air pollutionand emissions released is no friend to the environment, but an even moreworrisome issue is that emergency vehicles may not be able to get to the sceneof an accident or their passengers to a hospital when highways are congested. Countermeasures SuggestedCountermeasureshave been suggested to help alleviate the burden of traffic congestion;however, the costs associated with these measures often result in keepingthings just the way they are. Some of the proposed changes have been roadinfrastructure improvements like grade separation, reduced or improvedjunctions, reversible lanes, limited access roadways, bus lanes, carpool lanes,improved grid plans, mixed-use development, car-free cities andtransit-oriented developments. Thisarticle is brought to you by your local WestCovina car accident attorney. 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