对于伦敦的拥挤费congestion zone/charge
有人知道伦敦的congestion charge/zone包罗zone边上的那一圈环路吗?好比City Road?假如开上city road而后驶离阿谁区这样需求交拥挤费吗?谢谢 回帖 回帖 谢谢! 回帖 city road在阿谁里面然而...英国华人论坛
有人知道伦敦的congestion charge/zone包罗zone边上的那一圈环路吗?好比City Road?假如开上city road而后驶离阿谁区这样需求交拥挤费吗?谢谢 回帖 回帖 谢谢! 回帖 city road在阿谁里面然而...英国华人论坛
求教大家,过几天筹备开车去伦敦玩几天,定了市核心的酒店,在 Congestion Zone 外面,筹备停好车在酒店泊车场外面就全程坐地铁出去玩,请问 Congestion fee 应该是付2天(车开进来跟开走...英国华人论坛
We all know the frustration of driving down an A-road and getting stuck in congested traffic. Well, I come bearing great news: Essex County Council is trying to improve driving conditions for the A120 between Braintree and the A12. They have...英国华人论坛
In order to provide an efficient, customer-centric logistics service, you need to be able get from A to B.Unfortunately, in 21st century UK, that is becoming increasingly more difficult to do at least without serious delays.The Latest Statis...英国华人论坛
As a lorry driver, maintenance of your vehicle should be one of your primary concerns. After all, your vehicle is your livelihood and if you suffer any downtime while fulfilling your transport contracts due to mechanical or safety issues,...英国华人论坛
Lanzhou road may still jams, but the rule to block the idea is increasingly open. March 22, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou Jiaotong line of high-end dialogue "was held at City Hall. A spectacular dialogue, so that the city's people...英国华人论坛
Whentraffic slows due to increased usage by drivers, it is known as trafficcongestion. This often occurs during what is known as rush hour traffictimes; however, poor weather conditions, accidents, road construction and otherissues such...英国华人论坛
收到Congestion charge的罚单。上周在一区临界区开车去上班,不小心擦边进了收费区,虽然看到地上的C字立马就转出来了,还是不幸被摄像头照到,今天收到罚单。我可以APPEAL吗?成功的...英国华人论坛
我14号进congestion charge zone。这是我第一次,所以没经验,好像记得坛子里的朋友说过会受到bill letter, 以为可以过几天再交进城费的,结果letter收到了,但却是65镑的PCN,那个后悔啊。...英国华人论坛
周五我跟着导航开车去朋友家,由于超烂车技和对导航不熟悉的原因误入了伦敦中心,请问有同学知道我该怎样付congestion charge 呢?查了TFL的网站说是提前或者当天付,那我这种情况该...英国华人论坛
RT,伦敦除了Congestion Charge开车进一区要不要交钱? 周一需要开车去伦敦一区某地,但是不在Congestion Charge Zone以内,需不需要缴费? 谢谢! 回帖 不在不交 回帖 不用交,除非你进去了...英国华人论坛
This build up causes you to have discomfort in your chest and make it so that it is hard to breathe. You can also experience a difficult time in trying to cough up the mucus as well. Most people run out to purchase a remedy for this situatio...英国华人论坛