标签:Fried - 英国华人论坛


油炸马鲛鱼(deep fried mackerel with tomato s

夏天已至,回忆起去年海边疯狂捕捉马鲛鱼的场景,还记忆犹心,异样冲动,马鲛鱼好吃,然而明天分享一个油腻的吃法,简便易行。 把马鲛鱼,去头去尾去骨去内脏,洗净盐腌半小时...英国华人论坛


Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Green Peas

Mom and dad had just returned from a short honeymoon after being married in Tacoma in early September. They arrived home at nearly midnight before dad had to head out to his brother's butcher shop where he had worked the past two years. The...英国华人论坛


Chinese Fried Rice

I always look forward to my mom's cooking; to my delight, yesterday's lunch was Chinese fried rice. Taught by my grandma, my mum has mastered the art of cooking the best fried rice in the world. With the memory of that super tasty plate of f...英国华人论坛



咖喱炒饭 (Curry Fried Rice)。先把咖喱粉用热油浇一下,炒出的炒饭味道更香,更好吃。食材简单,制作正宗,省时省力,健康美味。 不加蚝油,无需孜然,更远离鸡精味精。看视频就会...英国华人论坛


The World is Flat - This book by Friedman should op

According to his new book The World is Flat ( and how right he is!) Internet has been successful in providing all of us with a platform to grow. Internet has provided each one of us with an equal opportunity and scope to make use of it and m...英国华人论坛