Gap insurance 公司求保举
正在寻觅gap insurance公司,各位有用过的能不克不及保举个靠谱的公司,也同时想保轮胎和alloy wheel 十分感激 回帖 不懂帮顶哈,楼主的是豪车吧,才需求gap ins. 回帖 我只间接在dealer那边...英国华人论坛
正在寻觅gap insurance公司,各位有用过的能不克不及保举个靠谱的公司,也同时想保轮胎和alloy wheel 十分感激 回帖 不懂帮顶哈,楼主的是豪车吧,才需求gap ins. 回帖 我只间接在dealer那边...英国华人论坛
刚发现这两个月工资单上 national inisurance 和 tax 的数额和以往不太同样。 tax我能了解,这个月有其余出项了好比奖金,那末tax就多交一点。 NI呢? 也是按每个月的详细数额的比例吗?...英国华人论坛
自己在英国临时没有固定任务,在家办公,有时会有一定的劳务人为(从他人间接转账到银行卡上,即不必报税的那种)。当初想请求national insurance number ,目的是为了帮忙学生增加一定...英国华人论坛
我看了下我的NATIONAL INSURANCE RECORD, 有几年GAP, 还有几年没有交满NATIONAL INSURANCE , 当初想补下来. 有谁知道怎么补吗? 在HM 官网的我的 ACCOUNT里看了半天, 也没找到付钱的出口。 回帖 看你...英国华人论坛
看了一些travel insurance公司的policy,人身保险方面次要都是医疗方面的抵偿,想问一下假如产生重大不测致使受保人身亡,travel insurance是不是有抵偿? 记得之前在国际买机票都会加个...英国华人论坛
Payslip 中包孕3个名目,我知道tax确定交了就交了。 那NI 怎么算,我看UK gov官网那些信息觉得不敷片面 以及pension 会能够退吗。 我感觉本人其实不会在英国待到退休春秋。 谢谢大家的帮...英国华人论坛
没任务当初, 想补之前的national insurance gap. 在HM 网上查了下payment需求reference number ,在 HM 寄来的 BILL 上找。 可我没收到过任何BILL呀。 那不是交不可了。 回帖 我的了解是要从网上下载...英国华人论坛
我在英国。 我所在的公司每月给我领取了上面的两项health insurance。分别是: critical health insurance,55.83英镑。 private health insurance,79.58英镑。 这两项既不从我的工资外面扣除,也不会给...英国华人论坛
求教一下,这个保险大略多少钱?个别在哪里买?包罗一切的treatment 吗? 回帖 假如你说的是牙医保险的话,要看你的policy的。纷歧样的。 回帖 axa就有,但根本有下限,牙欠好的人买...英国华人论坛
先问:Always lived in the UK?我回答是NO。 而后问:Enter the first time you lived in the UK for more than 30 days. 我原先在英国读书过,可不知道那算不算live in UK,是输出阿谁时间,仍是经过配偶签证...英国华人论坛
车祸,对方是,amazon的delivery 司机,咱们在左侧,他右侧转到左路,刚开始想跑,咱们追了,他停下,上去就说咱们错,而后咱们有,证人留下电话。咱们要他保险不给,叫了,manage...英国华人论坛
请问有谁比来请求National Insurance number 吗?由于covid,我始终没有NI,往年四月份请求了,说要等四个月才有后果,可是当初依然杳无音讯。我请求的时分原告知假如有问题能够经过080...英国华人论坛
英国有无insurance broker? 给公司买各种保险。 有的话大家能保举下吗?最佳是在伦敦的华人,好沟通。 回帖 不要找那种华人的,得多人都受骗了!去试试这个吧 swinton, 在线和高街办事...英国华人论坛
刚到英国不久,被各种官僚轨制弄得昏头昏脑,后果明天偶然问起health insurance的问题,老公说英国的公司不论这个?鉴于他刚入职也忙得焦头烂额,跑这里但愿大家帮助回答一下。 咱...英国华人论坛
Aviva,有用他们家保险的么?评估如何? 谢谢 回帖 大公司, 评估不错。 回帖 公司大没错,办事差! 能不必,就不要用。 理赔速度特别慢!失事后一周才打电话,仍是我始终在催。...英国华人论坛
以前在英国读本科的时分请求过NI NUMBER,不外始终没有用上 去年在国际续先生签证持续来英国读master, 这回交完论文要帮学校干活,看form上写需求national insurance number,请问一下论坛里...英国华人论坛
您好,我目前正在请求NI,过两天面试,可是怕时间来不迭,由于当初有公司能够聘用我并且给我管理Tier4 switch to Tier 2,然而内外面需求我填写NI,我尚无,然而我当初的先生签证实年...英国华人论坛
请问大家,没有任务,能够请求national insurance number 么?由于在找任务的时分看到有些雇主需求这个。谢谢! 回帖 你当初的签证允许任务的话 能够在网上请求NI的表格 填了之后邮寄回...英国华人论坛
各位好, 我刚拿到配偶签,两年半的,允许在英任务。请问怎么请求national insurance number?哪里请求?有详细网址吗?这个请求上去后有甚么用吗? 谢谢大家!! 回帖英国华人论坛
我2014年8月摆布请求的national insurance number, 直到上个圣诞节摆布收到了一封信,信里有我的名字和地址,还有HM Revenus Customs New tax reference的大标题,而后写了national insurance number 和dat...英国华人论坛
我是陪伴签证来的英国,刚来英国不久临时没有找任务,想求教下大家National Insurance Number是否一定要请求,请求有甚么益处,网上看的假如找任务就一定要请求,这个请求了假如没任务...英国华人论坛
我当初有两个车。一个上了保险,380一年。一个SORN了,当初老婆刚过驾考,筹备拿来上路。quote了当初的保险公司,要价900多,这仍是有multicar insurance discount的。益处就是两个车谁均可...英国华人论坛
想问问大家,life insurance 哪家对比好,曾经有了morgage cover, 想买critical illness。 回帖 life insurance? 回帖 我买的是LG 回帖 回帖 公寓的办理公司担任lift,你不必独自买保险,定时交办理...英国华人论坛
最佳有claim教训的,自住house,想包building and content (像boiler之类是属于building 仍是content?) 发送自苹果论坛手机版: 回帖 本人顶 回帖 楼主能够去看看本人的银行有无building a...英国华人论坛
求教各位GGMM 以前在请求存款期间银行约见 Broker 探讨了一个life insurance ,每月80多个瘦子,果决勾销了 以前看到一些帖子说有一种是即使最初没有出任何问题就是说没有payout,到保险到...英国华人论坛
如题,房子假如有mortgage,home insurance是不是象车险同样强迫性购买? 回帖 是的。building insurance 是一定要买的,content insurance 纷歧定要买。 home insurance 个别是包罗building 和 content的。假...英国华人论坛
想问下这类保险值不值?律师说买了能够提前1-2周替换contract。费用是225镑。 回帖 也不是很贵,以防万一仍是买了对比好,老房子多多少少都有些扯不清的问题,花小钱买个放心,咱们...英国华人论坛
我家是楼下外卖店,咱们全家住在楼上,之前是前房主买building insurance咱们付钱给他,然而去年我买了这个房子的freehold,就不知道究竟这个保险要怎么买了。假如买landlord insurance也不...英国华人论坛
各家价钱相差挺大。想知道为何? 回帖 此外我当前假如减少房客,能够到时分再让保险公司减少coverge吗? 回帖 home insurance的次要目的是为了自住,假如有房客则象征着这个房子是有功...英国华人论坛
要renew了。根本比去年涨了快一倍。打电话过来问,说non negotiable. 并且还一副你爱逛逛的模样。。。之前还能match 呢,往年特别拽。往年都是这样的吗? 回帖 没发现,可能没买content...英国华人论坛
Google 不出来谜底,都是出来不同保险公司的网址。我想买最根本的,不测险啊这些的,应该买甚么呢?买房是中介说要有home insurance 能力存款 可是我Google 这个的时分 却有人说不必,...英国华人论坛
Childrens Health Insurance Program: A Guide to CHIPParents across the country are especially concerned with proper health care for their children. The Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) created and implemented in 1997 by U.S. Dept. of...英国华人论坛
Short term health insurance policies are cheap with insufficient coverage having large deductibles. Choosing health insurance short term is taking care of just-in-case policy for a numbers of reasons created by the current ambiguity of Trump...英国华人论坛
Global Travel Insurance Market Research Report is a professional and in-depth study on industry Size, Share, Trends, Growth, Application, Consumption Volume and Value, Forecast, Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016 to...英国华人论坛
Acquiring new clients is the biggest challenge that insurance agents are facing. While many agents have been successful in their business but some face difficulties in meeting income goals and eventually change their careers to other fields....英国华人论坛
Nowadays we experience some rather wacky weather patterns that can affect your Columbus roofing system; there have been unexpected snowstorms, hurricanes, tornados, and hail. Since you cant always predict what Mother Nature will bring, it...英国华人论坛
So when people grow up and get to the stage where they have to make decisions to subscribe to insurance policies, they usually get confused on which policy or package to subscribe too.Here are 3 important policies you need to know about.CITI...英国华人论坛
You need to first understand why you must buy a car insurance policy and what they cover. The decision on what you must get covered by the policy you buy depends on what is mandated by the state and what are your typical situations. Learn he...英国华人论坛
Are you planning to secure minibus cover? Before doing that, it's crucial to know some basic facts about the minibus. The form and function of this vehicle type can vary quite considerably. Here are some need-to-know facts them:1. Size matte...英国华人论坛
1. Actual Cash ValueThis the market value of your vehicle, which is derived by calculating the replacement cost minus depreciation.2. Collision CoverageIf your vehicle is damaged in an accident, this coverage will pay for the fixes or repair...英国华人论坛
Put yourself in a situation that you are about to inherit an old house from your parents and upon seeing the site, you cannot simply sell due to the memorable memories it has given you. What shall you do? There are many who are in this k...英国华人论坛
Population of Senior Citizen driving has increasedGoing by the new census statistics, American citizens of age 65 and above are up to 45 million. The number takes more than 14% of the total countrys population. Healthcare and medical advance...英国华人论坛
Insurance companies are always reluctant to provide full coverage for water damage because there are so many different circumstances that affect the house, your car and the damage it all inflicts. Large majorities of people who experience th...英国华人论坛
Drivers think about the bustling boulevards and the setback that has done, it can happen at whatever point. Is it being your flaw or not yet rather have a private vehicle with you is continually hazardous because it's not your very own advan...英国华人论坛
However, before getting your home secured against fire insurance, it is really important to find out what the policy covers. A fire insurance policy provided by most of the big fire insurance providers covers the structure of your home, its...英国华人论坛
First and foremost, file a fire insurance claim as soon as possible, even without proper information or the required paperwork. This will help you start the process of filing a claim.Also, a typical fire insurance policy covers the losses ar...英国华人论坛
However, do you actually know if you are paying excess amount as part of your insurance premium. Most people are not aware of this, however this is a reality and many of us usually make some simple mistakes, which if avoided can save us mone...英国华人论坛