在时尚圈里叱咤风波的超模Gigi Hadid,一举一动都会遭到外界的普遍关注。 比来,她的父亲Mohamed Hadid,遇到了难事…… 故事还要从20十一年说起: 那一年,Mohamed在贝莱尔 (Bel Air)购买了...英国华人论坛
在时尚圈里叱咤风波的超模Gigi Hadid,一举一动都会遭到外界的普遍关注。 比来,她的父亲Mohamed Hadid,遇到了难事…… 故事还要从20十一年说起: 那一年,Mohamed在贝莱尔 (Bel Air)购买了...英国华人论坛
It is the desire of every woman to look beautiful and attractive, with smooth satin body and skin, without any trace of hair. The body can be made most desirable with effective waxing systems and application of wax. But waxing itself is not...英国华人论坛
Gigi hair removal wax offers a pleasant, non-irritating waxing experience with soothing scents and an elegant fell on the skin. These waxes spread easily on the skin and effectively remove unwanted hair on legs, face, underarms, bikini areas...英国华人论坛
Gigi is best known for professional hair removal waxes that effectively remove unwanted hair while being very kind to the skin, providing a simple, mess-free waxing experience. Gigi has a specially formulated products for every skin type and...英国华人论坛
Gigi has thought of every need when it comes to the perfect waxing service, and they have developed several products to make waxing safe and easy for the beauty professional, or for the average consumer at home. Gigi wax kits are a perfect w...英国华人论坛
5:30被一阵凉风冷醒,一骨碌地爬起床,状态立即HIGH了起来,梳洗着装完毕,6:30打车直奔广州国际大酒店。 到了二楼,按照指示牌来到了签证处,发现已有7、8人就位了,全站在签证...英国华人论坛
很快地,听到扩音器里叫到:“GIGI到4号窗” 走到窗口一看,是个中国人,模样斯斯文文。他看了看我,然后对了对底下的照片。随后,提问开始: “去读什么学位?” “Bachelor of Art”...英国华人论坛