
University of East Anglia(东英格利亚大学)
获取留学方案文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料不久前,英国东英格利亚大学(University of East Anglia)硕士奖学金开放申请,这些奖学金专为2013年入读东英格利亚大学而设,申请截止时间为2013年3月31日下午5时整。
中英网3月19日讯 不久前,英国东英格利亚大学(University of East Anglia)硕士奖学金开放申请,这些奖学金专为2013年入读东英格利亚大学而设,申请截止时间为2013年3月31日下午5时整。
1. There shall be Scholarships to be known as the ‘The Difference’ Postgraduate Scholarships to enable postgraduate students to study at the University of East Anglia.
2. The Scholarship recipients will be chosen on the basis of academic merit through open competition. A first class degree, together with evidence of potential for further progress, will be the usual criteria.
3. The Scholarships shall be available from September 2013 for one year only.
4. The value of the Scholarship shall be £3,000.
5. The Scholarships shall be awarded on a competitive basis and will become payable on completion of registration of the successful applicants.
6. Details of the Scholarships will be publicised to all eligible students with appropriate information on selection criteria, application timescales and value of award.
7. The Scholarships will be awarded by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of a Selection Committee acting with the authority of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and comprising the Head of Admissions and the Head of Recruitment. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic) may be called upon to make a final recommendation, if required.
8. The recipients of the Scholarships shall attend an event at which the Scholarships shall be conferred. Acceptance of the Scholarships is subject to allowing UEA to publicise as appropriate the success of the recipients.