英国华人论坛 Le Gallais获得杰出教育奖


Birmingham City University(伯明翰城市大学)

Birmingham City University(伯明翰城市大学)


获取留学方案文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料A researcher and senior lecturer at the University of Central England in Birmingham has been awarded a prestigious prize for educational research.

A researcher and senior lecturer at the University of Central England in Birmingham has been awarded a prestigious prize for educational research.

Tricia Le Gallais, who specialises in post-compulsory education and training at UCE Birmingham Faculty of Education, has received the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Dissertation Award 2007.

Her thesis ‘Constructing Identities in Further Education: A Case Study of Vocational Lecturers’ for which she achieved her PhD in July 2006, explores the impact of change upon a group of construction lecturers in terms of their occupational, social and professional identities.

Professor David Hellawell, Emeritus Professor in the Faculty of Education and supervisor of Tricia’s research put forward her dissertation to BERA. In his submission statement he said: “The thesis of Tricia Le Gallaisis undoubtedly one of the best I have supervised to date.”

Tricia said: “When I heard that I had won the award I was overwhelmed! I had attended the BERA conference in 2002 at the start of my PhD studies and remember being in awe of the person winning the award that year. I wondered if my work would ever be that good.

“The award for me is a celebration of the construction lecturers who participated in my research and who proved to be amongst the most professional and committed teachers with whom I have worked. My sincere thanks go to them and also to my PhD supervisors, Dr. Franklin and Professor Hellawell and to my colleagues, family and friends who stayed the course with me!

“Through UCE Birmingham I have had the opportunity to broaden my horizons and I am excited about the future.”

Professor Hellawell added: “ The main quality I would single out is the high level of reflexivity which is displayed throughout the thesis. This gives the thesis a special transparency in that the reader is clearly able to see where the writer is coming from as regards her own background, values and beliefs, and her perceptions of her interactions with her respondents during the field work.

“There was a rigour in her analysis which, in my view, makes her case study one which will have considerable significance and relevance for others who conduct further research in this field.

“There has been very little research to date into vocational teaching in general in FE and the ways in which the lecturers in this field see themselves and their identities vis-à-vis the non-vocational lecturers and the FE context in general. The researcher was able to identify definite gaps in the literature in these respects, and has signposted the ways in which other researchers could develop our understanding in these areas.

“I consider that policy makers and practitioners would be well advised to study very carefully the research findings of this thesis. In particular, managers in the field of FE need to recognise that proscriptive management, of the kind which is so closely analysed in this thesis, runs the serious risk of alienating groups of staff such as this group of construction lecturers with the consequent loss of a common sense of purpose within their colleges. The case for the need for FE staff to have the space to exercise their professional judgement seems to me to have been admirably made in this study.”

Tricia received her award at the BERA Conference Dinner on Thursday 6 th September at Hotel Russell, Russell Square in London.


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