英国华人论坛 时尚市场专业个人陈述(PS)范文赏析




Fashion Marketing & Management personal statement

Fashion is creative, seductive, always changing and a form of art, to others it is a religion. To me I use fashion to express myself and also to show my personality but also look glamorous. I mostly like the 1920s style because it's the time when women were more liberated to wear what they wanted, the freedom was expressed through simple but yet elegant designs that were beautifully co-ordinated that were accessorised with jewellery and represented the style and elegance of that time.

I am currently studying Fashion Marketing at the University of the Arts London. Studying in London is fantastic because of the different cultural mixture, and not to mention all the big art galleries that are in the heart of London. London is very fast paced which I like and the atmosphere is vibrant. I wanted to study Fashion marketing because I wanted to learn know more about the business side of Fashion. I am influenced by designers like Alexander McQueen because of his edgy style and Ralph Lauren more so because I used to work for the company, but I like his style because of the sophistication of some of his designs and the preppy look, the polo shirts and oxford shirts with riding boots.

Since starting the course with a business mind set, I have discovered that I am particularly drawn to marketing. I know that to excel in this subject will really take me where I want to be. I would like to have my own agency in the future, and possibly would look in the long term to a career in buying, as I have enjoyed learning about fashion trend predictions, and the influence of street style on the catwalk.

I was fortunate enough to work for Polo Ralph Lauren for nearly 3 years. I learnt an amazing amount about high end fashion retail business. I worked in sales, cashing up, training new staff, and visual merchandising. I have also worked for Ozwald Boateng as a summer temp this year, where I have learned more about couture lines since they make bespoke couture suits which are tailored and fitted. It was there that I learned to alter garments which I am sure will prove very useful to me.

By working in retail I have gained confidence which is important in our every day life, organisational skills, I am also a good team player as you always have to work as a team in sales, I have also been a team leader and alsoI have had to manage people which takes courage and commitment, I pay attention to the smallest detail because everything I do has to be perfect because I thrive in my work.

I also have a passion for designing; I have done a few clothes designs of my own and intend to do more. I find designing a good skill to have because you get to be creative and use your imagination to create something so extraordinary. I would like the opportunity to work in a fashion house, working as an in house assistant designer but as a second career prospect.

I have also gained a BTEC level 2 Diploma in IT and a Diploma level 2 in Digital Applications which is very helpful because in the fashion industry you have to be computer literate, and is an excellent skill to have. In my spare time I like to read books that challenge me to the best of my ability, I like to cook and entertain my friends as it is really important for me have a social life as well. I have a good personality, I am an easy going person and I am also very approachable. I go to the gym twice a week so as to keep fit.

I am a very self motivated person, who thrives to be the best in every subject area. So far I have received top grades for all my work and some good positive feedback from my peers and tutors. I have done extensive research to obtain good grades and I have the motivation and the passion to progress to do an Undergraduate degree.


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