英国华人论坛 个人陈述 Personal Statement(英文版一)


 am the applicant Lin Hao, coming from Heilongjiang Province, northeast of China. Long-term shivery climate here enables me to forge tough and staunch personalities during my growing up. In 2003, with flying colors, I was matriculated in Jilin University, a celebrated one in China with the major of International Economics and Trade. Besides, I minor in Futures Investment & Management. The university I study at is a comprehensive one with all kinds of disciplines. University life not only makes me get overall development in study methods and specialized knowledge, but also, more importantly, enhances my ability to combine the knowledge of all disciplines and desire for knowledge. Hence, I am determined to pursue further study in UK upon my graduation. Now, I would like to apply for MSc in International Finance & Economics offered by University of Loughborough.

Family is quite important for every one, for it is the first classroom for us to receive education. My grandfather once was a banker. My father is a businessman while my mother is a statistic practitioner. All of them play a significant role in the establishment and development of my view of life and view of value; in the meantime, they help me form the personalities of honesty, diligence and perseverance. Edified by them, I show a keen interest in finance-concerned courses. My family is vital wealth in my whole life, for it endows me with such interest in this field and personality of striving forward bravely.

Through specialized study, my great interests in courses related to economics and finance are ignited. I once read Doctor David Friedman’s The Economics of Everyday Life, in which, he adopts popular and easy-understood cases and flexibly combines obscure economic principles with people’s daily lives. Through reading the book, I had a good mastery of principles of economics, which were boring to others. I admired Doctor David Friedman very much. In the same year, I read Price Theory, a representative work of him. Through studying this book, I fell in love with knowledge regarding currency and finance. Driven by thirst for knowledge, I began to minor in Futures Investment & Management. During that period, I met a good teacher, that is, Professor Lv, who is a prestigious scholar in China’s futures industry. Professor Lv combined theories of futures market with practice and connected truth with futures market, which was regarded as a gambling establishment by others, imparting knowledge about futures market and economic investment to us. Such teaching mode coincided with my studying habits, so I involved myself in the study quickly. We often discussed the development of China’s futures industry as well as price fluctuation of world’s futures market. In the autumn of 2005, I was invited to assist Professor Lv in completing part of research work of The Revealing of Yen’s Development Route to RMB’s Development in the project of The Establishment of China’s Financial Futures Market. Owing to my outstanding performance, I won commendations from Professor Lv.

On top of specialized study, I set up the first Leukaemia Love Volunteer Association of our university in Jilin Province in my free time, acting as Chairman. We have helped 10 leukaemia patients, who are from poor families, through the way of love volunteer activities. Every year, we hold lectures concerning leukaemia and organize volunteer signing up activity of CMDP (Chinese Hematopoietic Stem Cell Warehouse) and activity of extraction of blood samples at our university. Over the three years, under my leadership, the association has been developed and we have made great achievements, so many medias report our deeds. In October 25, 2004, Xinhua News Agency reported our activities on its website (http://www.jl.xinhuanet.com/news/2004-10/25/content_3094593.htm). In addition, our deeds were also reported on the third issue of East, West, South and North • Undergraduates, a famous magazine of students in China, in 2006. All these honors fully revealed the confirmation of the society and our university. Now, one of 150 volunteers in CMDP are developed by our association. Our association was appraised as Elaborate Association of Jilin University in the successive three years and I myself won the title of Top 10 Students of The First Moving Jilin University of our university. Meanwhile, by means of founding volunteer association, not only my view of value is actualized, but also my organizational ability is forged. As a result, my qualities are greatly uplifted. Aside from these, I also have a liking for sports activities, good at dashing, football, etc. The youth should be full of vitality.


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