英国华人论坛 申请硕士个人陈述样例






Personal Statement

When Streaming Fire, my refinedly bound and printed magazine was finally changed into an influential school publication and even a recommended magazine for high school students in my province, I thought I would very likely end up as a freelance writer or a chief editor. However, juvenile expectancy for a career in literature was ever beyond the fast-changing fancy for knowing something new.

(陈述儿时的理想,表明想超越樊篱,为下文的personal transformation做铺垫)

I later chose accounting as my major at university and was admitted to the Accounting School of Beijing Technology and Business University. It is still hard now to identify my initiative motive for the choice of this major. Maybe it is just a juvenile peacockery, but I’d rather deem it as an endeavor to make up what I lacked at the early stage of my life: reasons, consecution and scientific attitude instead of too much passion and sentiments.


To be frank, I’d never imaged myself, a once poetic and sentimental teenage girl could finally fall in love with accounting, which was considered by a lot of people as a dull and trivial subject. I suppose I am nothing more special than other people. It is just the inbred strong will for getting to the first place that has pushed me along the way to delving into accounting. And it is gradually clear for me that accounting was not just a matter of calculating numbers, it is more a science very much related to every individual, small single business entities, and operation of complex corporations. Behind all the firms currently operated in the world, it is the science of finance and accounting that keeps them running well. So the subject is like veins of a creature, which bolster and provide for the development of the whole.


 When I finally come out with this idea, my study of accounting was changed into a voluntary and active process combined with interests instead of the simple struggle for making up what I lacked in my character. Indeed, as I go deeper into it, I derived more interest from the subject. Case study in economic activities especially drew my great attention and kindled my curiosity. As a result, I spent quite a lot of time in reading academic journals, referring to Internet resources and then was even motivated to doing financial analysis myself. My dissertation on capital structure, which was completed under the direction of a prestigious professor of the school, engrossed both my keen interest in the topic and my tremendous effort in making researches. I almost exhausted all the sources possible including English publications, convincing facts in the Internet and relevant regulations of commercial and taxation law. It took me further several months to discuss it with my instructor and to make modifications……This competition further promoted my enthusiasm in studying accounting and I realized the study of the subject involves valuable in-depth research as well as absorption and grasp of theoretic knowledge. Later I was sent as one of the four representatives of our school to attend an inter-college seminar. My speech on the subject attracted and impressed a lot of attendees.


At the beginning of this year, I went to my internship practice at the Accounting Department of Shanxi Power Transmission Project Corporation. It was a time when I finally got to the down-to-earth work in accounting. I worked as a cashier there and was dealing with receipt voucher and payment voucher everyday. I also worked on cash receipt and payment journals, bank deposit of the company and income taxation report. I’d say this is a very crucial period for me as the pure theories I acquired at school finally hard landed in realistic work. My internship work was indeed simple and basic. But it was also overloaded with details. It influenced the overall flow of the financial work. The general ledger and other financial statements were based on the original certificates I made as a cashier. I’ve tried my best to be careful, hardworking and highly responsible. Three months later when my internship ended, I was the most effective staff in my department and most important of all, I felt my previous study at school was validated and strengthened. It is worth to mention my skills in computer accounting, which had helped a lot in improving work efficiency of the whole department.


Despite all my endeavors in studying my major, I found myself still enamored with the joys derived from helping and communicating with others. I became the president of English Association of my school and later helped develop it into the most influential community with over 300 members in the school. I sought cooperations with a broadcasting station, some popular local newspapers and a publishing company and organized a series of such significant activities as English Corner, Free Access to English Films and Comprehensive English Skills Competition for the students. My experience as a community leader taught me the skills to communicate and organize, the ability to understand differences and the persistence required in the struggle for success.


Again making evaluation of my past, I feel much contented with what I’ve been engaged in. I remember Frost once sighed for the differences one made upon choosing diverged roads. But I’d rather say that every road one takes may unfold the same amazing scenes as long as he knows to appreciate life. I’ve seen my future career posed in the fields of accounting and finance. While I have no doubt your post graduate program will push me to my limits, I am confident that I can face the rigorous challenges of it and thrive on the road I’ve decided to take(表明自己的信息,已做好准备应对未来的挑战。)


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