英国华人论坛 Lesbians believe they lose out in job interviews


University of Cumbria(哥比亚大学)

University of Cumbria(哥比亚大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料New research finds that butch lesbians feel at disadvantage in job market New research finds that butch lesbians feel at disadvantage in job market

Butch lesbians believe they have to conceal or disguise their true identity or risk being instantly overlooked at job interviews.

That’s the conclusion of an academic study by researchers at the Universities of Cumbria and Glamorgan, who found that, despite recent equality legislation, Butch women who usually wear masculine attire felt their chances of getting a job would be minimal if they attended an interview dressed as they would really like.

“Many deemed the job interview as being stressful enough without it having to choose whether to disguise their true identity through conforming to acceptable feminine modes of dress or dressing in a way which feels natural to them, thereby allowing them to feel more relaxed and natural but exposing themselves to the possibility of prejudice and even hostility from the word go”, said project leader, Helen Woodruffe-Burton.

It led to what Dr Woodruffe-Burton and her co-researcher, Dr Sam Bairstow called “My Interview Dilemma”, where Butch lesbians struggled with a natural instinct to dress in a manner that reflected their true identity, while at the same time recognising a need to conform to society’s ‘norms’.

“While we all know that first impressions are hugely important - especially in an interview - experience shows that when that impression goes against the norm it can have strong negative effects”, said Helen.

Many Butch lesbians participating in the research felt it best to subvert their true sexual identity and opt for 'toning things down'.

As one participant observed: “…without totally selling your soul, I’d conform for 40 minutes and then see how things develop once you’ve got the job – and preferably passed your probation!”.

Another added: “I would try and go as gender neutral as possible while at the same time maintaining a good old dollop of who I am and how I feel inside, with the aim of not being in-your-face butch, but having a slightly boyish look”.

Helen Woodruffe-Burton, Reader in Marketing at the University of Cumbria, said: “In the light of recent Equality and Diversity Legislation, particularly with regard to sexual orientation, it seems unreasonable that people should have to worry more about conforming to accepted standards of 'feminine' appearance than their ability to do the job". She added that the research could be extended in the future to explore the experiences of other groups of people who like to express their identity through certain modes of dress, such as Goths, because anecdotal evidence suggests they suffer prejudice in much the same way, so it's not necessarily an issue only of gender and sexuality but a broader question of acceptance of difference in society.


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