英国华人论坛 Thames Valley University announces its 2007 Summer Music and


University of West London(西伦敦大学)

University of West London(西伦敦大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Thames Valley University's Music and Performing Arts students, from the Reading campus, are gearing up for their end of year shows taking place in May and June this summer.Thames Valley University's Music and Performing Arts students, from the Readingcampus, are gearing up for their end of year shows taking place in May and June this summer.

Following on from previous years, the 2007 shows feature a wide variety of different performances from the disciplines of music performance, dance, drama and music technology. The season kicks off with the Higher National Diploma (HND) Theatre (year 2) Physical Theatre tour. This is followed by ND Performing Arts presentation of the play 'Totally Over You' by Mark Ravenhill, which examines the world of instant celebrity, branding and illusion in an age of Big Brother and Pop Idol. After this we have shows from Level 1 Music National Diploma (ND) Music Practice, First Diploma Music and ND Music Technology. The season continues with a dance showcase, 'The Dance Project' featuring contributions from all students on the dance pathway of ND Performing Arts and closes with a performance from the students on First Diploma Performing Arts.

Matt Foster, Curriculum Leader for Music and Performing Arts is really excited about the forthcoming events and said, 'All the students and staff have put in so much time, effort and energy to the shows. I'm certain they will live up to the high standards and expectations created by last year's students. The performers benefit greatly from the opportunity to show off their talents to local agents and spotters; they also gain valuable experience of performing in professional surroundings to a real audience. These events also offer prospective students an excellent opportunity to come along and see the type of projects they will be taking part in as a TVU music and performing arts student.'

Students from HND Theatre (year 2) have decided to take their latest production 'Dice' on tour. Throughout May they will present their new physical theatre piece at venues throughout the South. In an exciting twist on interactive theatre, each night will start with the roll of a dice, which will determine which two of the six pieces they have prepared will feature at that performance.

The 2007 Performing Arts dance showcase 'The Dance Project' will feature a wide variety of different dance forms, from jazz dance to contemporary original pieces, and will be presented at The Oakwood Centre in Woodley on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th June. The dance pathway of the ND Performing Arts programme will be making a major contribution to this, as it is part of their final year project.

ND Music Practice (year 2) will be presenting a series of different gigs during May and June. As part of their final project the students have been developing sets of original compositions and covers and each event will showcase a different aspect of this exciting project. This series of gigs will culminate with a performance as part of the Homeless Pigeon Records summer 2007 CD release. Homeless Pigeon is a record label run by students at TVU. It's aim is to bring the music of TVU students, staff and up-and-coming acts from the Thames Valley region to a wider audience and give the students a chance to take part in the running of an independent record label. For further information on the label, visit the MySpace page at www.myspace.com/homelesspigeon.

For the full schedule of events please see the list below. If you would like further information on the shows and music and performing arts courses at TVU, please contact Matthew Foster on 0118 967 5132/ [email protected]:


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