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University of Stirling(斯特林大学)

University of Stirling(斯特林大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料A report by University of Stirling academics assessing the impact of the Scottish Executive’s free personal care policy has shown the number of older people receiving social care services at home from local authorities rose by 10% between 2002 and 2005. But the proportion of this group receiving personal care increased by 62% over the same period.A report by University of Stirling academics assessing the impact of the Scottish Executive’s free personal care policy has shown the number of older people receiving social care services at home from local authorities rose by 10% between 2002 and 2005. But the proportion of this group receiving personal care increased by 62% over the same period.

Commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the report shows that the increase in personal care provision cannot be explained by demographic trends or higher rates of disability. Statistical data and interviews with local authority social care managers showed no reduction of ‘informal’ care from relatives or friends. Instead, a pattern has been emerging where informal carers provide other types of support, such as social outings. The report shows how the policy is effectively increasing the amount of care an older person can receive, while also supporting carers.

Examining how local authorities have been delivering the policy, the authors found stark contrasts in budgetary control and costs. While some local authorities stayed within budget, others had overspent and cited free personal care as a significant cause. Local authority average annual spending ranged from £1,500 to £8,000 per person. But the report cites evidence that higher costs did not necessarily mean better services.
Free personal care was found to have continuing wide public support in Scotland. While 59% believe that personal care should be paid for by government, 68% would pay an extra penny in the pound income tax to finance it.

However, the report raises concerns around the possibility of narrowing eligibility criteria for free care to keep costs down, and of withdrawing some care services not covered under free personal care.

Report author Professor David Bell, of the University’s Department of Economics, said: “The announcement of an independent review is a welcome start to ensuring that the policy is working effectively. As our report shows, there are two critical issues that must be addressed. Firstly, there needs to be transparency about entitlements, with local authorities being clear on how they fulfil their responsibilities. Secondly, the funding of the policy needs to be adequate to prevent any ‘rationing’ or reduction of services offered.”

The report also stresses the importance of learning the lessons where resources have been used most effectively. “Some local authorities are managing to provide high quality services with low relative expenditure. It is vital to emulate this good practice,” added David Bell.


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