
University of Surrey(萨里大学)
一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料The Royal Society of Chemistry has announced that Dr Derek Stevenson of the University of Surrey is to be honoured with one of the Society’s major career awards, which will be presented at the RSC annual congress and award dinner in November.The Royal Society of Chemistry has announced that Dr Derek Stevenson of the University of Surrey is to be honoured with one of the Society’s major career awards, which will be presented at the RSC annual congress and award dinner in November.
Dr Stevenson is to receive the honour and a medal in recognition for his work and research in Separation Science, in particular for his work into sample preparation, immunoaffinity extraction, chiral separations and drug bioanalysis.
The award is particularly welcome for Dr Stevenson, as this is recognition from a major professional society with over 45,000 members emphasising how work at Surrey is valued in the world beyond academia.
Before joining Surrey, Derek worked as an analytical chemist in industry at Fisons and Shell Research. This was followed by 2 years as a research assistant at Westminster Medical School. He then did a PhD at the University of Surrey in the Robens Institute as a Case student with ICI Pharmaceuticals. In 1981 he became head of the Analytical Unit in the Robens Centre and later became a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry.