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University of Leicester(莱斯特大学)

University of Leicester(莱斯特大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Two leading British academics have been recognised for their outstanding contribution to space science by the Association of Space Explorers (ASE).

Two leading British academics have been recognised for their outstanding contribution to space science by the Association of Space Explorers (ASE).

Professor Ken Pounds, a UK pioneer of space science and Professor of Physics at the University of Leicester, was awarded the prestigious ASE Planetary Award, the Crystal Helmet, for his work to establish the international standing of space science in the UK and in Europe.

Professor Colin McInnes of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow was also selected to receive the coveted Leonov Medallion for his leading-edge work on solar sail technology, a field which could revolutionise propulsion for deep-space missions.

The awards were made by Association of Space Explorers on the final day of its 20th Annual Planetary Congress. Hosted by Careers Scotland, the congress has brought together astronauts and cosmonauts (fliers) from around the world and the aim of the visit has been to promote careers in science and technology to Scottish pupils.

Professor Pounds said: “I feel greatly honoured by this award and very humble in such distinguished company as Yuri Gagarin, Thomas Paine, Jacques Cousteau and Isaac Asimov.

“It is a special pleasure to receive the award at a meeting hosted by Careers Scotland, who have developed an outstanding programme using the excitement of space exploration to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers.”

Professor Pounds is best known for his research into X-ray astronomy, which led to the discovery that massive black holes lurk at the centre of many galaxies.

Professor Colin McInnes received the Leonov Medallion for his outstanding contribution to engineering. The Director of Research at Strathclyde University has published dozens of papers on space engineering topics in the last few years and has been recognised for his work with several prestigious awards from organisations such as the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Institute of Physics.

Professor McInnes said: "It is a great honour to receive the Leonov Medallion, particularly from an organisation of such distinguished individuals.

"The Planetary Congress has been a fantastic opportunity for academics to meet astronauts and cosmonauts face-to-face to discuss the latest technologies for space flight.

"My own research has focused on solar sails - vast, lightweight panels of thin reflective film which are propelled not by fuel, but by the pressure of sunlight.

"I hope the Medallion, and the space explorers' visit to the University of Strathclyde, will encourage science and engineering students to consider careers in Britain's active space industry."

As part of the week-long congress, the astronauts and cosmonauts descended to Strathclyde University on Tuesday (18 September) to meet with academics and take part in two public lectures. Research areas included 'thinking' robots, life on other planets, disease and infection control in space, future electrical energy systems and solar sails.

John Fabian, co-president of the ASE, said: “This is the first time we have come to Britain for our congress and we have thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Scotland.

“Both the Planetary Award, known as the Crystal Helmet Award, and the Leonov Medallion are prestigious accolades which recognise individuals who have made an outstanding contribution within the field of space science.

“Professors Ken Pounds and Colin McInnes are perfect examples of the qualities and commitment for which these awards were established and I am delighted that we have been able to recognise their achievements.

“One of our aims is to promote the study of science and we hope that meeting some of our members will have inspired young people in Scotland to consider following in the footsteps of Professors Pounds and McInnes.”

The Association of Space Explorers (ASE) is an international organisation made up of 300 members from 30 different countries – all of who have flown in space at least once. The group brings members together for debate and dialogue, promotes education in science and engineering and encourages international cooperation in the exploration of space.

Fifty years since Sputnik (the first artificial satellite to be put into space), the theme of this year’s congress was “Fifty years in space – Launching into the future”.

The congress was hosted by Careers Scotland, in association with Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise. The event was also supported by the Scottish Government, Edinburgh Convention Bureau, City of Edinburgh Council and Edinburgh and Strathclyde universities.

Careers Scotland runs several programmes to encourage students to study science and to consider careers in science and technology. The popular Space School programme is a partnership initiative with NASA and involves a number of activities for Scottish school pupils, including on-line space workshops, visits from astronauts and Space Camps in Houston and at universities in Scotland.

Further information about Careers Scotland initiatives to promote science and technology is available at www.careers-scotland.org.uk


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