University of Brighton(布莱顿大学)
一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料On Friday 14th Sept, 350 new parents and children to all three schools of Brighton College came to a Welcome Barbecue organised by the Family Society.On Friday 14th Sept, 350 new parents and children to all three schools of Brighton College came to a Welcome Barbecue organised by the Family Society.
The College Swing Band helped to create an upbeat and lively atmosphere and the committee and senior staff helped to introduce parents to each other. Richard Cairns, Brian Melia and Sue
Wicks each made a public welcome to families which highlighted that it was a social event across the whole school. Thank you to the committee and staff who helped organise it. We hope it will help new families feel part of the school.