
De Montfort University(德蒙福特大学)
一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料 Leading scholars from around the world are set to flock to De Montfort University’s Literature on Screen conference in theUSthis weekend (20-22 September).Leading scholars from around the world are set to flock to De Montfort University’s Literature on Screen conference in theUSthis weekend (20-22 September).
Only the second annual conference of the new Association of Literature on Screen Studies, the event inAtlantahas attracted significantadvance interest from academics around the world.
Andrew Davies, renowned for his adaptations of classics from Pride and Prejudice to Dr Zhivago for the British TV screen, has become Patron of the Association, and the conference organisers have been inundated with delegates and prospective speakers for its annual conference.
Run by three literature and film academics from De Montfort University inLeicester,UK- Dr Deborah Cartmell, Dr Ian Hunter and Professor Imelda Whelehan -
the conference will also showcase a new book, a new book series, and launch a new journal on the topic.
The new Cambridge Companion to Literature on Screen, edited byDr Cartmell and Prof Whelehan, has just been published and the new journal, Adaptations: The Journal of Literature on Screen Studies (Oxford University Press), will be launched at the conference.
There will also be a new book series, Adaptations (2008-), edited by Dr Cartmell, Dr Hunter and Prof Whelehan.
“The conference has expanded greatly since our inaugural event last year – there are around 90 papers, from all over the world, including Michigan, New Hampshire, Kansas, Concordia, Florida, Germany, Croatia, Amsterdam, Australia, said DrDeborah Cartmell, Subject Leader in English at DMU.
“Among the speakers are academics, publishers, film critics and reviews editors. Topics range from Austen on screen, Orientalism, chick flicks, Shakespeare on film, genre, civil war on screen, economics of adaptation, Southern literature on film, essays on screen and European literature on screen,” said Dr Cartmell.
“The Atlanta Conference signals the truly international reputation of Adaptations Studies at De Montfort University,” said Prof Whelehan, Professor of English and Women’s Studies at DMU.
“Given the huge interest in this conference, it’s clear that this has now become a major event in the academic calendar,” said Dr Cartmell.
‘We’re delighted to have Andrew Davies as the patron of the Association of Literature on Screen Studies. The conference, journal, book series and association all linked and run by English and Film at DMU prove that we’re shaping up to become a world class focus for adaptation studies,” said Dr Ian Hunter, Senior Lecturer of Film Studies at DMU.
For more information on the conference, which is supported as part of a three-year Academic Collaboration grant of £42,500 from the Leverhulme Trust,
see http://www.literatureonscreen.com/
Dr Cartmell said: “This gathers together leading scholars in the field of literature on screen studies. It is the first meeting in America and an opportunity to bring together the world’s pioneering academics in this quickly expanding field. While adaptations have been fiercely debated since the inception of cinema, it’s only recently that this area has become a recognised part of both English and Film Studies.
“From Shakespeare to Chaucer, Du Maurier and Thomas Hardy to name just a few, classic literature has been adapted for TV and cinema, and classic film is increasingly influencing English literature.
“Literature on film has been around since the beginning of cinema and has been responsible for provoking the most heated of debates but the 'arrival' of the subject now is reflected in the substantial grant awarded to De Montfort University and reflects our international reputation in the field,” said Dr Cartmell.