英国华人论坛 格拉摩根大学研究小组针对非洲贫困问题展开行


University of Glamorgan(格拉摩根大学)

University of Glamorgan(格拉摩根大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料‘PONT’, an organisation which links Pontypridd with a town in Uganda will meet at the University of Glamorgan’s Faculty of Health, Sport and Science this week, 22nd September, to showcase a project which will help combat poverty in Africa.

‘PONT’, an organisation which links Pontypridd with a town in Uganda will meet at the University of Glamorgan’s Faculty of Health, Sport and Science this week, 22nd September, to showcase a project which will help combat poverty in Africa.

The Partnership Overseas Networking Trust (PONT) was set up in 2000 to join Pontypridd with a town in Uganda called Mbale. The project aspires to link as many professionals and organisations in Pontypridd with their counterparts in Mbale.

Now the group, along with partners the University of Glamorgan, Rhondda Cynon Taf District Council, Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Health Board, Pontypridd Town Council and the Pontypridd and Rhondda NHS Trust, have formed ‘CAP’ the Coalition Against Poverty.

Ruth Davis, Head of Care Sciences at the University of Glamorgan and member of PONT explained, “The purpose of PONT is to build direct personal relationships between interested individuals and organisations with intention of increasing the capacity and governance of individuals and organisations in Mbale.

“The PONT team believe the Ugandans have much to teach us about family and community values along with a rich cultural heritage, so the partnership is very much a two way link.

“CAP will increase the set of skills and competences that can be brought to bear on poverty related problems in Mbale and extend even further the good work done by PONT. This community based project will mobilise individuals and organisations in Pontypridd and Mbale for constructive collaborative working.”

First Minister Rhodri Morgan who will be speaking at the event commented, “PONT is a really fantastic example of what a small number of committed individuals can achieve in a relatively short space of time. What they have set up is a very worthwhile two-way link that is beginning to make a difference in Uganda and to us in Wales in giving us a better understanding of Africa’s needs. I’m pleased that PONT is growing at such a pace and has formed the Coalition Against Poverty. This is a distinctive initiative that the whole of Wales can be proud of.”

To date over 50 visits have been made by teams from Pontypridd in 6 groups, and 23 people have visited Pontypridd from Mbale.

The PONT team set out to identify a town in a third world country where English was widely spoken, it was relatively safe to travel, and where we would be welcomed by both government and non-governmental sectors. In 2002 the first visit was made to Mbale, where they team felt they had found exactly what we were looking for. Mbale town is of a similar size to Pontypridd, but serves a region of 760.000 people, most of who live in poor rural villages.

The people in Mbale are amongst some of the poorest in Africa, with average income less than $1 per day, average life expectancy of 46, and an infant mortality rate of about 200 per thousand.
CAP will further the work of PONT by engaging the key institutions in the community. They will be called on for free advice and skills leading to a whole new tier of professional input overseas.


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