
The Robert Gordon University(罗伯特戈登大学)
一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料The Aberdeen Business School at The Robert Gordon University (RGU) will deliver a workshop in Slovenia on life long learning to a senior level audience including HRH Prince Andrew, as part of The Business Gateway International Lothian Mission to encourage links with the country. The Aberdeen Business School at The Robert Gordon University (RGU) will deliver a workshop in Slovenia on life long learning to a senior level audience including HRH Prince Andrew, as part of The Business Gateway International Lothian Mission to encourage links with the country.Supported by Scottish Enterprise Grampian, The Business Gateway International Lothian is leading 12 Scottish organisations to examine the potential for new business contacts and relationships in Slovenia from 17 – 21 September.
Under the broad heading of education and lifelong learning, the participants will offer learning and skills development across a wide range of sectors including tourism.
The Mission coincides with the official visit of HRH the Duke of York, the UK's Special Representative for International Trade and Investment. Participants will attend a reception hosted by Tim Simmons, the British Ambassador, where Prince Andrew, local dignitaries and targeted business contacts will be present.
The audience at the workshop will be invited by the Trade and Investment Section of the British Embassy in Slovenia and will also be attended by Prince Andrew who is expected to join the workshops and hear the conclusions and potential for partnerships.
The Mission leader, Wavell Magor MBE, who has led Scottish Missions to Slovenia in both 2005 and 2006, said, 'Slovenia is an excellent potential partner for Scotland. It is the only new member of the EU that has joined the Euro and has experienced remarkable growth. There is also a good understanding of the need to form international partnerships and Slovenians see Scotland as a similar small country that has adapted from being a manufacturing base into a knowledge-based economy. It is appreciated in Slovenia that Scotland has made regular visits to their country and good links have been already developed.'