
Bournemouth University(波恩茅斯大学)
一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Professor Chris Brady, Dean of The Business School has appointed two Deputy Deans; Professor Colin Armistead and Dr Elizabeth Mytton.Professor Chris Brady, Dean of The Business School has appointed two Deputy Deans; Professor Colin Armistead and Dr Elizabeth Mytton.
Professor Armistead – recently interim Dean – is to be Deputy Dean, responsible for Research and Enterprise.
Dr Mytton, recently Head of Law at BU, is the new Deputy Dean, responsible for Education.
Professor Brady – who joined the School last year – has also appointed a number of Associate Deans within the School. This includes the Accounting and Finance, Management, and Law Departments, E-Learning, and Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, as well as a new Head of Executive Education.
Professor Brady said: "Getting the right team together is always the key to success in any organisation, so that was our number one priority. I’m sure we now have the team in place to really put the Business School on the map".
"The new team has the experience, expertise and drive to deliver to the highest standards of business learning. We want professional bodies to continue to choose to endorse many of our courses year-on-year.
"We will demand students who are self-motivated and who will graduate as smart, business savvy individuals, driven to succeed in the competitive world of business. Our graduates will, as a consequence, continue to enjoy high employment rates, be in demand by world-class organisations, and attract industry awards.
"In order to deliver those graduates we will enhance an already powerful academic research culture which keeps us relevant, informs course development and benefits the business community locally, nationally and internationally.
"Our business consultancy services have aided the profitability and market position of many of the organisations with which we have worked."
Professor Brady was previously Head of External Relations and Business Development at Cass Business School.