英国华人论坛 利物浦霍普大学学生中国留学归来


Liverpool Hope University(利物浦霍普大学)

Liverpool Hope University(利物浦霍普大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料A LIVERPOOL student was selected from more than 1,000 other young hopefuls to spend time living and working in China.

A LIVERPOOL student was selected from more than 1,000 other young hopefuls to spend time living and working in China.

Stephen Axon, from Liverpool Hope University, has just returned from three weeks in China where he studied Chinese in addition to learning about the country’s cultural heritage. He also spent time in the Chinese workplace job shadowing and attending numerous social events.

Stephen, aged 20, who is about to start his second year at Liverpool Hope studying a BSc Geography with Environmental Management, was one of 1,300 students from 90 universities across the country to apply for a place at the China Summer School. Just 200 young people were chosen.

The opportunity was made possible thanks to the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) together with the Centre for Chinese Studies and Confucius Institute, the University of Manchester and Beijing Normal University China Summer School.

Stephen said: “I first heard about the China Summer School after a friend pointed out a poster to me at Hope Park. I have always been interested in China, especially its history and this just seemed to be the perfect opportunity for me.

“My first year at Liverpool Hope has been absolutely amazing. I have had opportunities to do so many things which I could previously only have ever dreamed of doing.”

Stephen added that one of the most memorable parts of his trip was walking along the Great Wall of China.

He also spent time on a Chinese farm, taking part in Tai Chi and Calligraphy, visiting the British Council in Beijing, learning Chinese and eventually “graduating” from Beijing Normal University with a Diploma in Chinese Language.

Dr Ian Vandewalle, Pro Vice-Chancellor at Liverpool Hope University said: “It is especially important for students to engage with China – one of the world’s largest and fastest growing economies. This is a country which will have increasing global importance in the future. We are delighted Stephen was successful in achieving a place on this summer school and believe this will be something which will be of tremendous benefit to him as he continues his studies at Liverpool Hope University.”

Stephen had to answer a series of questions about why he believed he should be chosen to be part of the China Summer School and the benefits he believed this would bring, before being selected.


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