英国华人论坛 出自东英格利亚大学的女奇人


University of East Anglia(东英格利亚大学)

University of East Anglia(东英格利亚大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Sharon Choa, director of Performance Studies at the University of East Anglia's School of Music and the founder of Chamber Orchestra Anglia, finds herself in illustrious company in a new book and an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery.

Sharon Choa, director of Performance Studies at the University of East Anglia's School of Music and the founder of Chamber Orchestra Anglia, finds herself in illustrious company in a new book and an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery.

Author and social campaigner Zerbanoo Gifford has completed an epic challenge of meeting and documenting the lives and careers of over 200 inspirational women, from every part of the world and every field of endeavour.

Women at the top of their fields in academia, the arts, industry and business, media, politics, the voluntary sector, science and spirituality and champions of indigenous people are profiled in her book, Confessions to a Serial Womaniser: Secrets of the World抯 Inspirational Women.

Dr Choa said she was very pleased about her inclusion, which is partly because of her work at UEA and also for the work she has done in the region with Chamber Orchestra Anglia (COA), which she founded in 2001.

The COA programming aims not only to provide entertainment but also intellectual stimulation. Concerts have incorporated a celebration of oriental poetry and explored links between music and genetics and music and mathematics.

COA will be the orchestra in residence at UEA for the next academic year, performing, developing instrumental teaching and helping with workshops for younger musicians.

A young musicians?scheme to encourage and challenge talented young instrumentalists (coCOA) was initiated by Dr Choa in 2003, and activities have included workshops led by Sir Colin Davis and Jiri Belohlavek.

揑 feel very honoured, because I am not in the position of some of the people involved. It gives one a great boost to know that someone has recognised what you are doing,?said Dr Choa, who is planning another young musicians?workshop in the coming months.

Trained at the Royal Academy of Music as a violinist, Sharon Choa was born in Hong Kong and grew up in a bilingual and multi-cultural environment which has been a stimulus for her latest research: an exploration of the influence of Chinese culture on western music.

Among the other women featured in the book are two University of East Anglia honorary graduates, the journalist and rector of Exeter College Oxford, Frances Cairncross and Director of Liberty, Shami Chakrabarti, as well as a host of inspirational women ranging from the QC Baroness Helena Kennedy and MP and former actress Glenda Jackson MP to the French Resistance heroine Lucie Aubrac and the first women judges in the Middle East and India, Judges Zakia Hakki and Leila Seth.

Over two hundred individual portraits of the women have been specially commissioned and painted by the artist Jeroo Roy for an accompanying exhibition. The National Portrait Gallery will host the exhibition from 18 September 2007 for one week, after which it will move to the South Bank Centre before embarking on a national and international tour.

The project was initially funded by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) and proceeds from the book will go to the ASHA Centre, a charity fostering greater peace and understanding among diverse communities. For further information, go to www.asha-foundation.org/women. The book can be obtained from www.centralbooks.com


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